Page 61 of Dust to Dust

And just as I slipped under, I thought I heard Quinn’s voice. It roared through me, calling me away from the darkness. It pulled me towards it like a magnet.

“Isla, stay with me. Please stay with me!”

Chapter Fifteen: Quinn

As I rubbed my temples, my mind was filled with a mixture of Isla and the latest Bravta attack. This time it came through sabotaging a shipment of guns. Callum and I had spent most of the day trying to smooth things over with those who were expecting deliveries. While Callum worked at reassuring them that their order would be fulfilled, I took the hard ass routine with those whose job it had been to keep the shipments safe.

I rolled my neck, trying to relieve the tension. In the back of my mind, I knew there was only one way I was going to relax. Like the dirty dog I was, I opened my laptop back up.

As I searched the private rooms on the computer for Isla, I worked my already stiff cock over my pants.

But her reflection on the screen caused the world around me to shudder to a stop. She wasn’t doing her usual dance. She lay on her back as a man began to straddle her.

Red rage seeped across my vision.

No one was to touch her.


Since I didn’t know if I could get to her in time, I hit the alarm on the private rooms. Then I sprinted from my desk and out of my office.

I didn’t bother with the elevator. I pounded down the stairs and into the main room. The snarling rage emanating from me bled into the room, sending people scattering from my path.

Ignoring Conleth calling my name, I kept running. When I started down the packed hallway, people scurried away like rats on a sinking ship. The blaring alarm had sent them into the area.

When I rushed inside the room, Shane was dragging the man off of Isla. He flung him to the floor, shoving his boot against the man’s throat while training his gun on his crotch. I instantly recognized him as Terrance Manning–one of the wealthiest men in the city.

My wild gaze spun to the couch where Isla’s crumpled body lay on the leather. Two dancers started towards her before I blared, “Don’t touch her!”

They immediately froze. Although I wanted to immediately get my hands on Terrance, I sprinted over to Isla. Without a thought to what was right or wrong, I gathered her into my arms.


Her limp body flailed in my arms. She didn’t appear to be breathing. “No, oh God, no!”

I leaned my cheek over her mouth. At that moment, her body jolted as she wheezed in a loud breath. “That’s right. Breathe, Little Dove,” I urged.

Isla’s eyelids fluttered as breath began gasping in and out of her. I didn’t bother asking if anyone had called 911. We couldn’t take the heat. At the very least, we would get Isla to hospital on our own. But I prayed it wouldn’t come to that.

With her breathing sufficiently, I drew her to my chest. “Oh, Isla, I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry,” I crooned.

Instead of giving comfort, my movements only brought her pain because she cried out. It was bittersweet since it meant she was still with us, but at the same time, I didn’t want to hurt her.

Slowly, I eased her back to stare into her beautiful face. I swallowed down the tears rising in my throat. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have moved you.”

Her glassy eyes stared into mine. “Like this.”

“You want me to hold you like this?” At the slight shake of her head, I asked, “You like being in my arms?”

Since it was obviously too painful to speak, she murmured. “Mm, hmm.”

“I like you being in my arms.” At her frown of disbelief, I shook my head. “There’s no one I want to touch me but you, Isla. Only you.”

When a single tear slid from her eye, the monster roared within me. He wanted free to punish those who had hurt Isla. Even though I kept him corralled when I was in the club, I’d been pushed too far not to release him.

Without taking my eyes off Isla, I blared, “Clear the fucking room!”

After everyone had rushed out, I stared at the head bouncer, Gareth. “Who the fuck was assigned to this room?”