“Of course, I did,” he replied.
I chuckled as I made my way into the kitchen to fix my plate. Callum was almost finished preparing his while Lorna was toiling over some beige concoction. “What the hell is that?”
“Oatmeal. It’s the only thing poor Caterina can keep down in the mornings.”
“It looks disgusting.”
“It’s like some of the porridges back home,” Callum remarked.
“Poor thing,” I muttered as I began filling my plate.
When I got back to the dining room, Seamus had appeared as well. I sat down next to him. I picked up my fork and dug in.
As a woman’s scream pierced the quiet, my fork froze midway to my mouth. Callum’s silverware clattered on his plate as he shot out of his chair. It tumbled over in his hot pursuit out of the dining room to check on Caterina. Dare and I hurried to follow him.
Owen appeared in the hallway. “You have to come right now. There’s a girl screaming for you.”
He shook his head. “But she looks like her.”
“Fuck. It’s Brooke.”
“What the hell is her sister doing here?” Dare asked.
“I have no idea.”
When I opened the door, I recoiled back at the sight of Kellan standing with a wailing Henry in his arms while Brooke sobbed on her knees.
I knelt down beside her. “Brooke, what’s happened?”
At the sound of my voice, Brooke jerked her head up. “Is she here?”
“No. Why?”
Her sobs came harsher. “No, oh God, no.”
“Where’s Isla?”
“I don’t know. She didn’t come home this morning, and she’s not answering her phone.”
Icy fear poured over me before twisting in my chest and making it difficult to breathe.
“Come on inside.”
When I raised up, Henry stretched his arms out to me. “Come here, Little Man,” I said, taking him. Without me asking, Kellan bent down to sweep Brooke into his arms.
Once Kellan eased her onto the couch, Brooke curled into a fetal position, her body wracked with sobs.
Nodding at her, Dare said, “I’ll call Dr. Feany to bring a sedative.”
“Good thinking.”
As I pulled up the security feed to Isla’s house, I ran my hand over Henry’s back. “It’s okay. It’s going to be okay,” I murmured for him, but at the same time, I needed it myself.
Callum and Caterina appeared in the doorway. After surveying the scene, Callum asked, “What’s going on?”
“Isla’s missing.”