As Caterina gasped, Callum demanded, “For how long?”
“Since her shift ended.” I shook my head. “Since the security feed showed someone coming in when she should have, I didn’t realize anything had happened.”
“It was me,” Brooke croaked.
“I was the one on the security footage.” She pulled herself into a sitting position.
“What the fuck were you doing outside at three am?”
When my words and tone caused Brooke to wince and then start crying again, Caterina went over to the couch to sit beside her. Instead of waiting for her to answer, I sped up the feed. As soon as she appeared, I slowed it down.
At the sight of flame and then curling smoke, I cocked my brows at Brooke. She swiped her eyes. “I needed something to relax.”
Glancing down at Henry, I said, “Isn’t that bad for him?”
“I stopped breastfeeding when school started.”
“What about your scholarship?”
She rolled her eyes. “They don’t do random testing.”
“Regardless, I think you know how Isla would feel about this.”
At the mention of her sister, I expected Brooke to start crying again, but instead, rage burned in her eyes. “Fuck you, Quinn. We both know you’re the reason Isla is missing.”
“Excuse me?”
She jabbed a finger at me. “Whatever happened to her is because of you and your dirty business!”
“I’m going to do everything within my power to get her back.”
She jerked free from Caterina and lunged off the couch. “So help me God if Isla’s dead, I’ll kill you.” She shoved my chest. “Did you hear me? I’ll kill you!”
As she broke down into sobs, I handed Henry off to Kellan. I then pulled Brooke into my arms. “I hate you. I hate you. I hate you!” she screamed, beating her fists against my chest.
When Owen took a step forward like he might take her, I growled at him. “No one touches her. Not even if she draws fucking blood. You got me?”
“Yes, sir.”
After screaming her throat raw and punching and smacking me until her energy was depleted, Brooke finally collapsed in my arms. Bending down, I swept her off her feet. “I’m taking her to my room.”
As Callum nodded, Caterina rose off the couch. “I’ll stay with her, so you can find Isla.”
“Thank you,” I murmured.
Dare jerked his chin at Henry who slept in Kellan’s arms. “What about him?”
“Owen, take two soldiers with you and go to Isla’s house. Pack up all the baby shit you can find and get Brooke some things. Whatever else they need, we’ll order in when Brooke is conscious again. They’re staying here with us indefinitely.”
“Yes, sir.”
When Owen left, I met Callum’s gaze. “I suppose you think I should’ve asked you first if it was okay?”
He shook his head. “I’ll do whatever you ask of me to bring Isla home.”
Unable to find the right words, I merely nodded. As I started up the stairs with Brooke in my arms, Seamus and Callum fell instep behind me. “It’s Mikita, isn’t it?” I questioned.