In the back of my mind, I told myself it was ridiculous to be doing something so long term when we’d only been together for such a short time. But I shoved the voices of doubt aside. I hadn’t been this happy in such a long time, and I didn’t want anything to ruin it.
Once the dance was finished, I climbed down the stage steps and started walking through the crowd, stopping occasionally for the cash to slide against my skin into my g-string. Before I could make it to the bar to help deliver drink orders, a hand gripped my forearm.
Usually when someone deigned to touch me outside of tips, one of the bouncers stepped in and instructed them to take their hands off. But when no one came to my defense, I quickly turned to see the offender.
My heart dropped at the sight of Quinn’s younger brother, Kellan, leering at me.
I couldn’t help wondering if he was drunk since it was so out of character for him. I’d seen him a few times since I’d begun dancing. According to Mabry who had serious eyes for him, he only came in on Thursdays for the weekly financials. Whenever she’d corner him to flirt, his face would grow crimson before he quickly excused himself.
The Kellan who stood before me today was not the same shy, mild-mannered man. He stared down at me like a predator surmising his prey, sending anxiety twisting through my stomach.
“I want a private dance,” he demanded.
I pulled against his tight grip. “I’m sorry, Mr. Kavanaugh, but I’ve been instructed not to perform private dances.”
He cocked his brows at me. “By who?”
“Um, your brother.”
“Bullshit. You’re a dancer in this club, aren’t you?”
“I-I am.”
“Then I want a dance.”
When I glanced at Brady, one of the bouncers, for reinforcement, he replied, “Like she said, Quinn’s given explicit instructions that no one is to contract Ms. Vaughn for a dance.” He crossed his arms over his broad chest. “And I mean, no one.”
Kellan snorted. “I own a stake in this fucking club. I think that means I can do whatever the fuck I want, don’t you?”
Conflict raged in Brady’s eyes before he nodded. “Fine.”
When I opened my mouth to protest, Brady shot me a look that said to keep my mouth shut. Defeated, I let Kellan pull me down the hall towards the private rooms. Instead of going to the first empty one, Kellan dragged me to the last one.
After he shoved me inside, he jerked his chin at Brady. “Take a walk,” Kellan instructed.
Brady glanced past him to me. At what must’ve been my panic, he shook his head. “As a fucking owner, you should know we don’t ever leave the girls. Especially after what happened with Isla previously.”
“You will this time.” Taking a step forward, he jabbed his finger in Brady’s chest. “If you know what’s good for your job and your health, you’ll walk away and mind your own fucking business.”
Staring at Brady, tears stung my eyes as I tried to calm my erratic breathing. Please don’t leave me.
“Whatever,” he grumbled.
The tiny thread of hope I clung to plummeted, leaving me shaking in the middle of the room. Without Quinn at the club, I was completely and totally screwed. The only other person I might’ve been able to plead my case with was Caterina, and she didn’t come on Thursdays.
The lock clicking on the door echoed through the room, causing my stomach to lurch. I fought not to hyperventilate as memories of Terrance flooded my mind. My gaze spun around the room trying to find a weapon.
But then I focused back on Kellan. He remained with his back to me. He placed his palms flat against the door before emitting a ragged sigh.
“I’m sorry about that.”
His admission took me so off guard that I stumbled back. “W-What?” I questioned.
After what felt like an eternity, he turned around. My breath hitched at the difference in his expression. The Big Bad Wolf ready to devour me was gone. In its place was the Kellan I’d remembered from before.
He held his hands up in front of him. “I’m not going to hurt you, Isla.” At what must’ve been my continued apprehension, he added, “I swear I’m not going to lay a hand on you.”