Page 142 of Dust to Dust

I opened my eyes to take in the concerned faces of my brothers and Seamus. “As much as I appreciate what you’re offering, I need to get out of the city to process all this shit.” I exhaled a ragged sigh. “I need to go home.”

Callum’s brows shot wide. “You want to go to Belfast? But you haven’t–”

“Been there since the accident. I’m aware of that.”

Seamus frowned. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“If I promise to see a shrink while I’m there will it make you feel better?”


“Then come with me and babysit,” I suggested.

“I just got back,” he protested.

“So let me go alone in peace.”

“Are you sure? I really don’t mind going.”

“You know I’d rather be by myself.”

“If you’re sure.”

“I am.”

Callum eyed me warily. “What about your things? Should I call Lorna and have her pack your bag?”

With a shake of my head, I replied, “I’ll buy new shit when I get there.”

“You’re determined to do this,” Callum remarked.

“Aye. I am.”

“I guess there’s no point arguing then.”

I smiled. “We both know we’re too stubborn to change.”

“So you’re off to the airport?”

“Yes, I’ll get them to gas up the jet.”

Callum nodded. “I’ll call one of the soldiers to bring your passport to you.”

“I appreciate it.” When I started to open the chapel door, Dare stopped me.

“Don’t you hink you should stay and fight for her?”

Surprise filled me that the words had come out of my womanzing brother. “As much as I want to, I know when I’m licked.”

“But she could change her mind. She’s been through such a horrible ordeal. I mean, look at Caterina. After we kidnapped her, I never imagined she could fall in love with Callum, but she did,” Dare protested.

“Caterina came from our world. She grew up with the dangers. Isla can’t resign herself to what could happen to her and to her family. I have to respect her feelings. And I can’t change the world I come from. Even when I wanted to leave, I knew I could never escape the danger.”

Dare’s forlorn expression truly touched me. “We’ll make sure to keep someone on the house while you’re gone. We’ll protect her just as you would have.”

“Thank you, brother,” I choked out.

After hugging each of my brothers and Seamus, I then started out of the door. They fell in step behind me, a silent brotherhood united not just by our blood but by the oath we’d taken.