Page 60 of Dark Fate

Lucian, motionless, gazes atDaniwith unflinching trust. There's a silent accord in his eyes, a faith that she'd wield this formidable power without harming him.

The heavy yoke that grippedLucian's throat crumbles to nonexistence, not leaving a trace of dust in its wake. As the remnants of the collar fade, so too does the gleam fromDani's palm. She steps back gently, her breaths coming in deep, labored pulls as her eyes revert to their natural honey-gold hue.

Her glance flicks up to mine, searching for confirmation or maybe to share in the awe of her own deed. Wordlessly, I close the space between us and crush her in an embrace, my heart surging with pride and love for this extraordinary woman who's eradicated the shadows armed solely with her innate radiance.

"Oh… thank fuck!"Lucianexhales dramatically, rolling his neck with an exaggerated feline stretch. "Note to self—keep my shit tightly wound around the celestial badass over here." He shoots her an appraising look through hooded lids, mouth quirking into that trademark smirk. "Wouldn't want to end up on the receiving end of divine retribution from the 'Angelof Fucking Mercy' herself. The holy fury beneath the halo is no joke."

"The Light,"Meadowrepeats, a whisper of realization in her voice.



My lips still tingle fromRhyland's fiery kisses, the memory of his seductive words lingering like a heady perfume. How could I forget the intensity of that moment? AsLucianfed on me,Rhyland's embrace and whispered obscenities drove me wild—a sensory overload that threatened to consume me entirely.

My thoughts wander into unfamiliar and potentially risqué territory, my barely-there attire doing nothing to conceal my arousal. It's a good thing vampires can't read minds, orRhylandwould be getting an eyeful of the X-rated movie playing in my head right now.

We slip back into camp as stealthy as shadows, our secret little rendezvous going undetected by the clueless crew. And here I am, cozily ensconced betweenRhyland's legs—my personal throne—basking in the heat he's giving off more than the fire itself.

EnterLucian, plonking himself down with that eagle-eyed gaze that's too perceptive for my liking. It's like he's got a sixth sense for sexual tension, and right now, he's picking up on it like a bloodhound on a scent trail.

I look at him in exasperation, letting out a practically audible eye roll. "What's with the hawk eyes,Lucian?" I fire back, my tone as sharp as a razor's edge.

He leans in, elbows propped on his knees in a casual slouch as that trademark panty-dropping smirk plays across his lips. "Not a thing, sweet cheeks," he purrs, his tone equal parts smooth and smart-ass. "Just wondering if maybe you got a little too into the whole 'vampiric lifeforce happy hour' back there." He arches one brow salaciously. "Not that I'm bitching, mind you. Having a bodacious babe like yourself offer herself to me like that?" He lets out an exaggerated chef's kiss. "Fucking. Dream. Come. True."

Rhylandlets out a primal, growly rumble from the depths of his Viking-vampire ways, a hint of fang on display.

My glare atLuciancould slice through steel; my eyes narrow to slits. "Asshole," I hiss under my breath, because subtlety? Who needs it?

Lucianthrows his head back with a rich, rumbling laugh, shaking it slowly as if savoring the moment. "That's rich coming from you, Princess," he shoots back. Fixing me with a look through hooded eyes, he smirks. "The holier-than-thou routine is cute and all, but we both know you've got a deliciously wicked streak under those pristine feathers."

But then his playful demeanor shifts, his gaze sweeping over us and grounding into something more solemn. He tosses me a softer look, the smart-ass façade momentarily shelved. "Thanks," he murmurs, the weight of his sincerity hanging between us like a tangible thing. "For helping me."

I feel a pang of something in my chest at his words, a flicker of warmth that has nothing to do with the fire orRhyland's body heat. Because beneath all the snark and sass,Lucian's a good guy. A loyal friend. And hearing him express his gratitude so openly and honestly means more than I can say.

So I nod, my lips curving into a small smile. "Anytime," I say softly, my voice barely above a whisper. "That's what friends are for, right?"

Lucian's answering grin is blinding, his eyes sparkling with mischief and affection. "Friends who let friends drink their blood?" he quips, his eyebrows waggling suggestively. "Sounds like a pretty exclusive club." He leans back, draping an arm over the back of the tree trunk as that trademark smirk plays at the corners of his mouth. "Count me in as a charter member if it means indulging in delicacies like you more often,AngelCakes."

I roll my eyes again but can't quite keep the laughter out of my voice. "Shut up," I mutter, tossing a twig at his head. "Before I change my mind and rescind your membership."

Rhyland's growl rumbles from behind me, "Not on my fucking watch,Lucian. You got that? Not ever again."

Lucianholds his hands up in surrender. "Loud and clear, boss," he says toRhyland, his usual sarcastic lilt replaced with sincere compliance. "Though you know I never could resist pushing a few buttons here and there." He shootsRhylanda conspiratorial wink, the brotherly affection clear despite his smartass tendencies shining through.

Needing to change the subject before things get too heavy, I quickly state, "So, big brains on deck—let's hash out our master plan."

Rhylandnods in agreement, pulling me closer in a protective embrace. "What do you suggest?" he asks, his voice low and serious.

"We're taking a field trip tothe Sun Court," I declare like I'm announcing the next big road trip destination.

The guys freeze, doing a classic double-take.Rhyland's the first to reboot, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Whythe Sun Court?" he asks, his tone curious and cautious.

Snuggling intoRhyland's muscle-bound embrace is like being cuddled by a living, breathing fortress."The first time we entered fae-land, something inside me went all 'Jack Sparrow's compass' straight towardthe Sun Court," I explain, my voice tinged with excitement.

Rhylandtightens his grip, part protective, part 'tell me more.' "And our good buddyFaderyn? He spun a yarn aboutthe Sun Court's shiny origins and their knack for keeping big shiny things."

Fingers dance along my arm in classicRhylandstyle, half soothing, half Morse code. It's like he's trying to decipher the universe's secrets through the language of touch.