Page 61 of Dark Fate

"And you think this Faerite Stone's part of their fancy stash?"Rhylandmurmurs in my ear, sparking a shiver that snakes down my back like a lightning bolt.

"It's worth a shot!" I say, my voice bright and determined. "It's our one and only breadcrumb on this wild goose chase."

Luciansnorts softly, though not out of disbelief. "And you're just planning to waltz intothe Sun Courtand find this thing?" He arches an eyebrow skeptically, shootingRhylanda look of pure incredulity. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that place supposed to be heavily guarded and damn near impenetrable? Not exactly a casual stroll through the park we're talking about here."

The corner of my mouth twitches upward, a smirk playing at my lips. "Something like that," I reply, my tone dripping with mischief.

Rhyland's chuckle resonates from behind me, deep and comforting. "She doesn't 'waltz,'Lucian," he quips, a teasing lilt in his voice. "She storms in like a force of nature."

Before I can reply,Meadowappears at the edge of our circle, her delicate frame barely disturbing the grass as she settles beside us. Her large, doe-like eyes meet mine momentarily before she speaks, her voice as soft as a whisper. "Darkness has many faces," she murmurs, her tone heavy with warning. "Some are closer than we realize."

Lucian's voice slices through the air, "Yeah, likeAdrian's epic douchebag move? Turning to the goddamn dark side on us?" He shakes his head in disbelief, jaw clenched. "Seriously, I mean, I know the kid always marched to the beat of his own drum, but I didn't see that monumental betrayal coming at all."

I find myself nodding, the sting of betrayal still fresh, like a wound refusing to heal. "It blindsided all of us," I admit, feeling a hollow ache at the mention ofAdrian's name. "One moment he was our ally, the next... it's like we never really knew him."

Rhyland's response is primal, a deep, visceral growl vibrating from his chest, the sound of an animal wounded, his trust shattered. I feel the undercurrents of his pain, the throes of his anger resonating within my own chest. Instinctively, my hand reaches for his, a silent offer of comfort.

Cutting through the thick silence,Rhylandlays bare the gnawing doubt clawing at him. "I'm going to fucking kill him when I see him—the one question haunting me is whether he can break back into the realm using your powers."

A frown takes up residence between my brows, and a sigh whispers out, a silent flag of truce in our war against the unknown. "Got a crystal ball? 'Cause that's about what I'd need to tell you when his power-leeching holiday ends," I admit, feeling the weight of our shared anxiety. "Navigating this power of mine is like reading a map with half the landmarks missing."

Lucianleans forward, elbows resting casually on his knees as he fixes me with that steady, piercing gaze. "Alright, so what's the grand plan here, Angle Cake?" He arches one eyebrow skeptically. "We just gonna stormthe Sun Court, lay on some thick charm to dazzle the Fae royalty, and hope they feel generous enough to point us in the right direction?"

A wry smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth. "Because something tells me those pretentious fairy dust snobs aren't exactly gonna be lining up to lend a helping hand out of the goodness of their hearts." He lets the sarcasm linger a beat before adding dryly, "Call it a hunch."

"Amara mentioned they're not what they seem," Rhyland says, his skepticism echoing through me.

"That hag would say anything to make you believe otherwise,"Lucianscoffs, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I mean, come on. She's got 'lying sack of shit' written all over her in big, sparkly letters."

He leans in closer, his eyes narrowing conspiratorially. "Seriously, though. I wouldn't trust that bitch as far as I could throw her. And considering she probably weighs about as much as a small hippopotamus, that ain't very far."

I can't help but snort out a laugh.

DespiteLucian's colorful assessment, I can still feelRhyland's hesitation aboutthe Sun Court. It's palpable, a tension in the air that sets my teeth on edge.

Icome to life slowly, cocooned inRhyland's secure hold. His presence is like a hearth, radiating a deep, bone-deep comfort that seeps into my soul. For a heartbeat, the daunting journey ahead blurs into nothingness, fading away like a half-remembered dream. His thumb gently strokes my cheek, and I press my face into his hand, inhaling the grounding blend of his earthly, salty sea scent that is uniquely his. Our limbs intertwine beneath a canopy of furs, his lips kissing my forehead softly like a whispered prayer.

"Time to stir, sweetheart," he murmurs, the sound breaking the morning's stillness like a spell.

With hesitation, I exit his embrace. The morning's chill is a startling contrast to the snug shelter of our shared warmth. Around us, the camp hums with energy,Axilya's people orchestrating the trek back to the serene refuge ofWhispervale.

Axilya's voice cuts through the air, crisp like the morning itself. "Lucian,Dani, andRhyland, you will take the carriage.Faderynand I will accompany you and the crew on horseback."

With the carriage now repaired, the trek toWhispervalelooms like a day-long marathon of sitting, and I cringe inwardly, flashing back to the last time we rocked 'n' rolled in that rickety carriage and the souvenir buttache I scored for my troubles.

Encore? Hard pass. Nevertheless, it's not likeRhylandcan swoop me off to safety with his vampiric speed—not with him in hiding and Cruella De Mean on the warpath. So 'safe' is my middle name for now, even if it means dealing with a case of sore buttcheeks!

We scoop up our gear, our quest hanging heavy around us like a cloak. Hoisting myself into the carriage, that all-too-familiar queasiness somersaults inside me, but whining hours have been slashed from our day planner, so I guess I can't complain too much.

Lucian's the eternal poster boy for 'cool as a cucumber,' flaunting his chill factor like he's daring the universe to mess with him. I shoot him a side-eye special as I plop down, mentally strapping in for the bumpy ride ahead.

Beside me,Rhyland's deep voice booms out toMeadow. "Mouse, grab your shit and saddle up. You've earned your spot with us."

Meadow's eyes are like twin flickers of candlelight in a drafty room—shy, somehow still daring to shine. She nods, barely louder than a breath, "Yes, I'd like that very much."

You can practically hear the boulder of worry tumbling off her shoulders—relief isn't just a word for her; it's a life raft.

Meadowteams up withFaderynon his horse, giving me a reassuring smile just as the carriage doors swing shut with a resounding thud.