Gasping like a beached fish, I glare up at a smirking Erik. "Dirty...move...jerkface," I wheeze.
He crosses his arms, unrepentant. "And the enemy will fight clean and fair?"
Grimacing, I stagger upright. Erik has a point—no one out there will play nice just cause I'm a girl. You can't expect gentlemanly conduct from those Shadow freaks. Setting my feet again, I give a 'come at me' gesture. "Alright, big guy, let's dance."
With a grin widening, Erik moves in a silver blur...
He strikes with blistering speed, abandoning all restraint now that my supernatural quickness stands revealed. I duck and spin desperately to avoid the barrage.
Seeing an opening, I aim a roundhouse kick at his ribs. Erik catches my leg contemptuously and uses the grip to flip me onto my back again. The air explodes from my lungs a second time.
"Predictable," Erik says. "Vary your attacks."
With a burst of agility, I execute a reverse somersault, propelling myself off the ground with my hands and gathering momentum as I flip upright, my fists at the ready. "Yeah? How's this for unpredictable?"
I charge straight at him again. Erik braces for impact, surprise flickering as I abruptly launch into a handspring over his head. My foot lashes out on the way over, catching him square in the back.
I stick the landing in time to see Erik stagger briefly. He twists to face me, chuckling. "A worthy gambit. You learn quickly."
We close the distance again, exchanging a flurry of strikes and blocks. Erik adapts to my enhanced speed and, suddenly, matrix-style fighting, his preternatural reflexes rising to meet my challenge. Though I strain furiously to land blows, few penetrate his guard.
Faderyn watches our deadly dance intently, wincing when Erik evades my crescent kick and responds with a scything sweep that drops me hard onto my back for the third time.
"She perseveres despite lacking a warrior's honed skill," he remarks. "Her spirit shows great promise with training."
I flip hastily back to my feet, sweat dripping freely into my eyes. My arms burn fiercely as I raise them again. Erik beckons, barely winded.
"Once more, Little Warrior. Your enemies will grant no respite."
Jaw clenched, I nod and step back into the fight, ignoring my body's screaming protests. The savage dance continues as the sunlight wanes...
The session ended only when I finally collapsed, too battered and exhausted to stand again.
Erik nods approvingly despite my sorry state. "Well fought. We will make a true warrior of you in time."
I stare at Erik incredulously as he declares I'm a natural fighter despite no training. "How...what...are you seeing the same fight here?" I gesture at my messy, battered state. "I just had my ass handed to me six ways to Sunday!"
Erik smiles, shaking his head. "For one utterly unfamiliar with combat, you moved extraordinarily well. Your reflexes adapt at an unnatural pace. I speak truthfully—few could match your raw potential after just one brief session."
I rake a trembling hand through my locks, my brain doing somersaults, trying to piece it all together. "So, that whole 'I turned into a human lightning bolt with ninja moves' and the wonky clock thing... do you have any genius ideas on what's up with that?"
Erik considers thoughtfully. "I believe it is your ancestral power manifesting. Magic awakening reflexes and senses that have been dormant to you."
"Huh..." I reply. "Here I thought poppin' fairy dust and glowing like Vegas was the extent of my weirdness. But I guess Chosen One DNA also chose to toss in Matrix-style bullet-dodging."
I quickly describe the odd time dilation sensation to Erik and Faderyn. Erik rubs his chin, intrigued.
"Your celestial blood perhaps blends curiously with vampiric traits gained from mating Rhyland. An unprecedented hybrid, perhaps." He says with a shrug
I throw my hands up dramatically. "Well, isn't that just peachy? So not only am I supernaturally caffeinated, but somehow the vamp juice acts like Miracle-Gro now, too?"
Erik blinks at my colorful analogies. Faderyn's mouth twitches with suppressed mirth.
"In crude terms, your assessment could hold truth," Erik allows diplomatically.
I snort, letting my aching body sink to the mossy ground again. "It's like some cheat-code plug-in modding me up lately. Next thing you know, I'll spontaneously sprout adamantium claws or start slinging force lightning..."
Erik cocks his head, frowning. "Claws would offer little tactical advantage for one of your stature... however, daggers would be promising."