Despite everything, I burst into slightly hysterical laughter at literal-minded Erik, utterly missing the comic book reference. Oh yeah—training with this guy will prove entertaining if nothing else!
As I hold my aching sides, the exhilaration of the fight fades, leaving me stunned and thoughtful. How could my untrained body move like some freakin' badass assassin all of a sudden? I glance down at my hands, shaking like I've downed a gallon of coffee, and what do I see? Not failure, not frustration—potential. It’s zipping through my veins, a live wire looking for a place to ground.
Yeah, today was pretty much just a tease, a sneak peek at this snoozing powerhouse I've been lugging around without a clue. But give me a hot minute to get my hands on the reins, and I'll be slinging grade-A whoop-ass magic like it's going out of style.
Fatigue swiftly replaces adrenalized confidence, and the taxed training session catches up fast. Famished and bone-weary, I gather my things, preparing to depart the grove.
Faderyn places a steadying hand under my elbow, noticing my exhaustion. "When we return, you must eat and rest well. Even the hardiest warrior knows her limits."
Gratefully, I lean into his support, legs unsteady as we walk back toward distant campfires. Erik effortlessly shoulders the gear we brought.
"Does the mess hall have anything decent on the menu tonight?" I ask, hoping. My stomach gives an audible growl at the thought of food. Maybe mystery meat stew or stale biscuits—either works right now!
"We shall see the Huntress fed and tended properly," Erik declares staunchly. "Today's valor must be replenished."
First things first, ditch this grime couture and peel off these sweat-sodden threads.
I glance over my shoulder, offering Erik a tired but grateful smile as we slowly hike back. "Thanks for not holding back today," I tell him sincerely. "I'd probably be a smoldering crater if you coddled me with kid gloves during magic practice."
Erik returns my smile with a slight one of his own. "You possess the heart of a warrior, Little One. You needed an opportunity to test your mettle."
I take a moment and then look at them, feeling gratitude. "Seriously, though, thank you both for the crash course in butt-kicking, the pep talks, and the crazy amount of patience."
Erik clasps my shoulder, silver eyes warm with affection. "I swore an oath to Rhyland to guard you as my own blood. You are a sister to me now, Dani."
My vision goes misty as Erik calls me sister. Family—something lost yet somehow found again in this strange realm when I needed it most.
But at the word 'sister,' my heart squeezes with thoughts of my brother in my old world—Damon. Does he know what happened to me? That I vanished without a trace… Damon must be worried sick...or does he assume I am dead? Thoughts run to Emily—God, I miss her sassy ass.
Sensing my distracted mood, Erik asks gently, "Does something still trouble you, Little Huntress?"
I shake myself mentally, offering a faint smile. "I'm just missing my brother Damon. I'm wondering if I'll ever see him again."
Erik squeezes my shoulder in support. "You will."
This room still smells like rotten shit, no matter how fancy they doll it up. The queen can take her silk sheets and shove them up her royal ass.
My boots are heavy on the pristine rugs covering cold stone floors. Velvet drapes hang limply over arched windows, blocking out the moonlight. The four-poster bed creaks with every step, its silken canopy sagging.
I slam a fist against thestonestill my knuckles split. The pain's nothing compared to being cut off fromDani. Our bond hits black silence every time I reach out.
Is she even still breathing on the other end?
My mind races, trying to make sense of this mate situation. It's still a fucking mystery to me like I'm stumbling around in the dark, grasping at straws. I can't help but wonder, if something happened toDani, wouldn't I feel it? Wouldn't there be some gut-wrenching, soul-crushing sensation that would let me know my other half was in danger?
Being kept apart is a worse torture than anything these faerie fuckers could whip up. It's enough to make a man lose his mind.
The door rattles suddenly under the impact of heavy bodies, shaking me from my thoughts. I freeze, every sense heightened—the queen's guards collapsing.
Lucian's muffled laughter echoes nearby, his mercurial mood ever tickled by violence.
It's about fucking time that servant girl put her potion plan to work! Now's our chance to ditch this nightmare and findDani.
The door creaks open, keys jangling, andMeadowprances inside. "Come, My Lord! Let's go!"