"Seraphina," I breathe, and that single word carries the weight of a thousand unsaid things.
Rhyland's eyes glaze over, a mirror reflecting the storm raging within me. He feels what I feel—the searing hurt, the bitter betrayal, the aching loss, and the desperate need for redemption.
"I did," Adrian confesses matter-of-factly.
I clench my eyes shut, desperately trying to dam the flood of emotions threatening to overwhelm me. When I finally trust my voice not to betray me, I force the words out, each laced with urgency. "How?" I ask, worry lines etched into my forehead. "How can their souls be redeemed?"
Adrianleans back, his composure fracturing as the desire to assist shines through. "I've been trying to find the answers—I’m close. What I do know is that there must be a path to redemption. No soul deserves to languish in Hell unjustly or endure a fate more harrowing than death itself."
Seraphina's words echo in my mind—the souls are indeed redeemable. But the burning question remains: how? That's the elusive jackpot answer we so desperately need.
"I understand that this may be unexpected for you. But, as the savior..."Adrianbegins.
"Enough with the savior crap," I cut in. "We need to unravel this mystery. My mother’s soul is at stake."
"I beleive…It has to do with you, Dani."
"Don't you dare put this burden on her," Rhyland growls, his tone low and dangerous—a clear warning directed atAdrian.
Adrianleans back in his seat, a hint of resignation on his face. "I’m just stating the facts here.Dani's the one with the power to take onMoretemis. If anything, she's the only one that can free them."
I fixAdrianwith a stare that could melt steel.
"Now you want to play the hero and help us? After everything you've done, all the betrayal and lies, you expect us to welcome you back with open arms?" Rhyalnd's tone is sharp enough to cut glass.
Somewhat chastened,Adrian's gaze drops to the floor as he mumbles, "No, I don't expect that. Just hope." He lets out a long breath. I can feel his remorse. "I messed up, okay? I admit that."
Rhyland’s jaw locks, eyes blazing. "You let that bastard Azrael work me over for weeks for what? Some bullshit hope to free your family, with no real plan? Put me through Amara's twisted games? And that goddamn hole where Cade had his fun torturing me—explain that, you piece of shit."
Adrianflinches. "I'm sorry, it wasn’t meant to be that way. All I did was give Azrael your location before everything got messed up. He swore he’d only keep you under Cade's watch until..." he looks to me with guilt in his eyes, "until he securedDani." His eyes plead for understanding as he meetsRhyland's gaze. "You must understand—I had to take the chance…"
Rhylandquits the statue act and paces the cell like a caged predator; each breath heaves out thunderously against the silence.
My voice releases the building tension. "What changed? Why all the smoke and mirrors?"
Adriannods with a hint of resignation. "Right—he wasn't counting on your power, so we had to pivot our plan—thus the reason we pulled you out of the bunker." He motions to Rhyland.
The big picture snaps into focus like the last few turns of a Rubik's Cube. The memory hits me afresh, raw and searing—Rhylandvanished, leaving me thinking I'd been left in the lurch, only to learn he was trapped in a hole, taking a beating that would've killed a lesser man. It was all part of Azrael's grand scheme to keep him off the board while trying to grab me. When that flopped, plan B was to paradeAdrianin, playing the hero, all to tap into my still-under-wraps powers.
"Nice move, though," I say with enough sarcasm to peel paint. "Play the double-agent game, hand us over on a silver platter, and for what? Your little choice there didn't just backfire. It gave Azrael all he wanted on a silver stake. Ever think maybe you were just a pawn in all their bullshit?"
"Of course I did."Adrianbursts out. "But the damned have few options." His head drops wearily. "I was a fool. Now, we all may pay the price."
Rhyland’s words cut through the air, fierce and unforgiving. "Nobody's footing the fucking bill but you. I've paid enough for your betrayal—bled for it, suffered. That debt's been settled in full by me, and me alone!"
Adrian's head bows as if carrying the weight of the world. "I know, brother—"
"Stop calling me that."Rhylandsnaps. "You lost the right to call me brother. Family doesn’t pull the kind of shit you did."
Adrianshakes his head. "I was a fool to trust Azrael's word. But when you've endured endless grief, any glimmer of hope is blinding."
Internally, I'm wrestling with understandingAdrian's limits—his pressures and decisions. Outside, my face is an unreadable mask. I nod slightly, showing the world a pillar of strength amidst the storm of betrayal and conflict.
I switch gears beforeRhylandgoes full-on Pompeii. The Soul Stone—that's the next breadcrumb. "Alright, enough about who betrayed whom for now. Let's slice into something meatier—the Soul Stone. Enlighten us,Adrian."
Adrian, the human shrug emoji, offers up his shoulders in a half-hearted lift. We all know there's much more to unravel about the Soul Stone, and it's high time he started spilling.
"Right, let's cut the dramatics and talk turkey about Azrael's pet rock. I’m not entirely in the dark here—we're dealing with a 'Humpty Dumpty' situation; it’s all in pieces, and Amara's played keep-away with a chunk. So spill—how does this glorified gravel ramp up Azrael's mojo?" Arms crossed, I have zero patience for the long version. "Give me the cliff notes,Adrian. How does it give Azrael power?"