Page 144 of Dark Fate

Adrianstraightens, a scholarly light entering his eyes despite the dire topic. "Thestonesdraw magic from the realm of Unbra. Shadow magic, illusions, mind control, necromancy. In the wrong hands, it corrupts."

"So the stone controls the user?" I ask.

"Not exactly,"Adriansays. "It exploits flaws already within someone. It heightens their worst impulses—cruelty, deception, hubris. It makes them a vessel for destructive powers."

I consider this carefully. The stone reveals someone's true nature. "Can the magic be harnessed for good?"

Adriantilts his head thoughtfully. "Perhaps, but the temptation for personal gain is too great for most. The magic demands a steep price for use. Azrael's strength grows with each piece he acquires; they amplify his dark abilities, making him a force that stands opposite the essence of creation you wield,Dani. It’s a chessboard of cosmic forces, and he's been playing a long game to gather them and ascend to unchallenged dominance."

Cutting through the niceties like a knife through a fog, I lay down the crux of our quandary. "How many pieces are we talking about, and how many has Azrael already snagged?"

"Azrael has only gotten his hands on one so far—the one from Marcus. It's a larger shard, which means it's giving him a significant boost in his abilities," he explains.

I tilt my head, a slow smile playing on my lips. "So, if Azrael’s after Amara's fragment, what's with the buddy act? Why not just five-finger-discount it from her? Unless they've got some weird 'frenemy' thing going on that I don't know about?" My tone drips with incredulity and a hint of amusement.

Adriannods, his voice carrying an edge of solemn knowledge. "The stone has to be handed over willingly. It can't be taken by force—like your crown and thestonesyou control. Azrael's goal was to win Amara over to give him the shard freely so he could boost his power. But—"

"Then why the hell was it so easy for me to snatch Amara’s piece right off her neck?" Realization dawns on me.

Adrianlooks at me, shocked at first, then thoughtfully nods. "I think it’s because you wear the crown—the stone recognizes its rightful place is with you—the crown."

The gears turn in my head, pieces of this maddening puzzle slotting together.

I need details now. Every second counts. "Where's Azrael's stone?"

Adrianhesitates before answering quietly. "In a ring on his right hand. But breaching his defenses would be suicide."

I lift my chin, a steely edge shimmering in my eyes—determination and defiance blended. Turning toRhyland, I take in the silent storm brewing in his stance, every line of his body a testament to barely restrained fury.

Rhyland’s voice is firm and unyielding as he breaks the silence. "We're going to get it, make no fucking mistake about that."

I take inRhyland's internal battle, the visceral churn of conflicting emotions within him. Love isn't a switch; you can't flip it off even when betrayal cuts deep. He might never forgiveAdrian. Yet, standing inAdrian's shoes, what lengths would I go to for those I cherish?

I need to know how souls are captured and sent to the underworld. "How does the Soul Stone work—how does it capture them?"

Adrianexplains, "The Soul Stone is more than a mere gem; it’s a trap for wayward souls. It lures them with a glow only they can see and uses ethereal chains to pull them intoMoretemis's realm. Once absorbed, their essence bolsters his power."

Wayward souls. Untethered—the Soul-Tie. "What do you know about the Soul-Tie?" I blurt out.

Rhylandgoes rigid next to me, and I can practically feel his eyes boring into me, silently demanding an explanation. But he keeps his lips zipped, letting me handle this one.

Adrianleans in. "You know about the Soul-Tie?"

"It’s a straightforward question,Adrian. Either you know what it is, or you don’t. Which is it?" I shoot back.

"Yes," he replies, as simple as it is frustrating. "But I'm not aware of anyone capable of completing it. It's a lost cause."

Great. Another impossible task. But I signed up for this whole "savior" gig, right? Might as well embrace the chaos.

"Does a blood bond hold the same meaning—the same connection?" I ask, my voice urgent, needing to understand.

Adrian shrugs, "I believe it is similar, but our kind hasn't engaged in the mating process for centuries, so it's difficult to ascertain if the experience is precisely the same."

I let out a frustrated sigh. Rhyland has remained silent, and I can sense his confusion, knowing he must be wondering what on earth I'm talking about.

"If there's even the slightest chance I can help your family, consider me on board."

Adrian's eyes glisten with fragile hope. "I don’t deserve your grace. But... thank you, Danica."