But I pay her no heed, storming out of the cell with the same determined stride that brought me in, slamming the door shut behind me with a resounding clang that echoes through the stone walls like a death knell.
I hold up the necklace to Rhyland and Alinar, a triumphant grin spreading across my face as I dangle it before them like a trophy, a prize hard-won and well-earned. "Looks like someone's been shopping at the inter-realm Costco for magical knickknacks," I say with a smirk, my tone dripping with sarcasm and disdain. "This explains her connection with Moretemis."
Rhyland gently takes possession of the necklace, his eyebrows raising in recognition as he turns it over in his hands. He examines it from every angle with a critical eye and a knowing expression. "Is this what I think it is?"
I confirm with a confident nod, "Indeed, it's a fragment of the Soul Stone."
The necklace dangles from my hand, its dark gem pulsing with an eerie, subdued power that sets off alarm bells in my head—just a shard of the Soul Stone—Amara's tool for bending wills and shattering spirits. Dani figured out that puzzle. I swell with pride; her sharp eyes and even sharper mind put this shit together before the rest of us dumbasses.
"Looks like the witch only had a sliver of this thing," I growl, rolling the necklace between my fingers as its sinister weight rests in my palm.
Dani slides up to me, her eyes alive with mischievous triumph. "Which means Azrael is only getting a taste of this stone's full potential. If I had to guess, that's why he looked like he'd been thoroughly pegged when he spotted the Atherite Stone. Poor bastard probably felt like he was the one bent over, not the other way around."
I can't help my grin, wrapping an arm around her. "Baby, you have a way with words that could make a sailor blush." Her humor's a bright spark even as our situation grows dire.
She laughs, unfazed by the gloom. "Just channeling that rainbow energy I've picked up along the way."
King Alinar approaches, an enigma shrouded in darkness, his aura shifting—a silent admission of a game forever changed. "Thank the Gods you got that from her. Your achievement rings through the courts," he intones, a resonant sound in the silence. "Amara's days of manipulation are done. My allegiance and my blade are yours."
I brush off his statement about nabbing the stone and can't help wondering—why the hell didn't he snatch it himself if he knew its bullshit tricks?
Eyeing Alinar carefully, trust isn't granted—it's earned, hard-won through fire and fate. But his forces? They could tip the scales our way.
I acknowledge with a terse nod. "We can use all the help we can get."
Dani chimes in, embodying the voice of reason. "We need to regroup. Lucian and Erik are waiting—and heaven knows they need my supervision."
Her attempt at humor doesn't mask her worry. We're in unison there; I can't stomach the thought of leaving my brothers in the lurch.
Dani pivots to Alinar, asserting command. "You take charge here while we're gone. We need someone strong and someone we can trust on that throne."
He bows, a silent oath made manifest. "Consider it done. My forces stand at the ready."
With Alinar keeping order here, we can face the trials ahead. I yank Dani tight against me; her presence steadies the storm within. The path ahead's a murky, treacherous bitch, but with her as my anchor and Alinar ruling the roost here, it seems like we're set to tackle the hellfire coming our way.
"It's time," I whisper, urging her toward our next destination. "Stones to find, wrongs to right, and cravings for you that just won't quit," I admit, my desire for her making itself known.
Her cheeks pinken as my words land precisely where intended.
She's all business, opening a portal that pulls the Sun Court into view. The fresh scents of rain-drenched flowers and sunbeam-touched earth reach us, starkly contrasting the shadow's grip.
"Alinar," Dani's authority echoes in the space, her final command cutting through the stillness. "Keep Amara locked up—she won't evade my judgment for long."
Even though she's spitting out words laced with determination, I can tell she's wrestling with herself inside. She hates the thought of bloodshed but gets that sometimes you gotta serve up justice cold. This tug-of-war inside her cements her reputation as a true leader—she's got heart, but she's also steady as a rock.
Alinar lowers his head, assenting. "By your word, my lady."
She turns back to me, honey-gold eyes glinting with determination. "Let's go."
Danigave me the quick lowdown as we ascended the steps to the imposing palace. HowSeraphinastepped in, and someangeldude named Jophiel tossed her the stone that had changed everything. But before she could say any more, the grand doors ofthe Sun Courtfly open, and I am practically blinded by gold and crimson light streaming in, bouncing off marble like it is made of sunbeams. Alina, in her dress woven as delicately as cobwebs, is already making a beeline for us, relief etched on her pretty face.
"My Lady," she almost gasps, directing a mix of respect and urgent worry atDani. "After the incident, the Court was rife with whispers that you'd—"
Daniis quick to act, pulling her into one of those reassuring hugs that say, 'Everything's under control.' "I'm fine," she asserts with reassuring firmness. "And just so we're clear, it's going to take a hell of a lot more than some twiggy little booby traps to knock this chick down for the count."