Page 136 of Dark Fate

Alina's laughter tells me she's relieved enough to ignore royal decorum.

I clear my throat, an itch of urgency nipping at me. "Alina, where are my brothers?"

She steps back, gesturing like she's presenting a grand prize toward the gilded study door. "Inside, My Lord. They've been longing for your return."

I toss her a quick nod, firming my grip onDani's hand as I steer us toward the study. The door glides open smoothly, revealing my brothers looking like someone had just canceled the apocalypse.

Curtains are drawn shut, plunging the room into darkness with only the weak glow from tallow candles and fae lights to cut through the gloom.

Alina snaps the door shut right on our heels.

Lucianpractically hurdles out of his chair to wrapDaniin his arms, hugging her like she's the damn life raft after a shipwreck. Even though my skin's crawling seeing him get that close, I swallow the snarl, itching to break free—Lucian's damn near losing his mind with relief.

Daniis clearly fighting to keep from laughing as air is squeezed out of her. "I can't breathe," she taps his shoulder.

Lucian's still got her in that death grip of a hug. I give him a nudge on the shoulder, a silent 'Enough already.' He takes the hint, easing off with a step back. His eyes are glossy, a stormy mix of relief and whatever else he's got churning inside.

"I'm so fucking sorry; it was my fault for what happened to you. I should've—"

She cuts him off cold, leveling him with a look that could stop any man in his tracks. "What happened to that cocky, wise-cracking vampire who could take life's sucker punches and still come out swinging? I miss that guy."Lucianmanages to crack a smile, but the guilt still hangs heavy in his eyes.Dani's expression melts into something softer, driving home her point. "Listen up, Luci. No more of this self-flagellation bullshit, you hear me?"

A low growl rumbles from deep in my chest, enough to getLucianto take a step back.Daniturns to me, her eyes clouded with confusion. She's clueless about whatLucian's blood has possibly done. That's a talk I'm dreading, one I sure as hell ain't ready for.

Danirolls her eyes as if annoyed. "I know, I know—Seraphinamentioned I could have... changed, or whatever it is, you vampires call it. But look, I'm fine; nothing's wrong," she tries to reassure us, brushing it off. But it ain't that simple, and that's not what's eating at me.

The room falls dead silent, the air thick with unease.

Erikmoves in, breaking the ice. EncirclingDaniwith his arms, he pulls her into a quick but hearty hug. "I'm glad to see the Little Huntress hasn't lost her touch. Your training shines through."

From a corner, cloaked in shades of violet that contrast the room’s somber tones,Axilyarises. "I knew you'd find your way. I never gave up hope," she intones, her voice echoing like a prophecy fulfilled.

Leaning against a shelf heavy with leather-bound tomes,Faderynbreaks into a reassuring grin. "Few doubted the Savior would falter," he winks. "Welcome back, Danica."

Once greetings and back-patting taper off, I cut straight to the chase. "How'd you break out of that shadow-infested hell?"

Grateful as I am, the curiosity’s gnawing at me. This whole situation was one massive clusterfuck.

Lucianmeets my gaze, his smug smile cutting through the tension. "Adrian—" The shock's gotta be written all over my face 'causeLuciankeeps going. "Yeah, that's right. He's the magical badass who blasted those damn shadows to oblivion and yanked our asses back to the land of the somewhat living."

I'm lost, and my gaze darts around like an idiot's, waiting forLucianto continue.

Lucian's expression shifts, a hint of seriousness creeping into his voice. "After that grim reaper wannabe Azrael got his shadowy mitts on you and pulled a vanishing act,Adriansuddenly grew a conscience. So, that's why we're in this delightful predicament now."

Silence descends, heavy as a shroud, uninvited and cold. I can feelDani's grip clamp down on mine, her head swiveling my way. Our eyes lock—hers swimming with shock, mine clouded over with a storm of rage.

"I ain't swallowing that shit. You think he pulled this stunt out of the goodness of his damn heart?" The words come out as a snarl from me, each syllable laced with a pissed-off vibration, rough around the edges with fury. The flavor of treachery, especially coming from my own kin, is one hell of a nasty pill jammed in my throat.

Lucian's shoulders lift and fall in a carefree shrug, but his eyes are sharp, betraying the serious intent behind his laid-back facade. "Well, you knowAdrian; dude's got a flair for the dramatic," he says casually, yet the firm set of his jaw reveals the iron will underlying his seemingly nonchalant comment.

Erik's silver gaze narrows, a silent threat all on its own, mirroring an unspoken understanding. Nobody’s saying shit, but the room is practically crackling with the tension.

"What?" I ask. "What is it?"

Slipping back into his trademark persona,Lucianarches an eyebrow, his voice dripping with sarcastic amusement. "Oh, he's currently enjoying the luxurious accommodations of our five-star dungeon suite," he quips, a sardonic smile playing on his lips. "Apparently, he's decided to audition for the role of the repentant prodigal brother, hoping for a callback on the whole redemption arc. Guess Azrael didn't deem him worthy of a guest spot on this particular adventure."

A deep growl churns up from my gut, my fangs itching to break free as betrayal burns in my veins. "He's still here? Figure's he would grovel. The bastard's got no one left now that Azrael's ditched his ass." I spit the words out like venom. "Or maybe this is some new level of hell—a damn trap."

Lucianleans back, crossing his arms with a bitter and satisfied smirk. "Hey, at least he's got plenty of time to perfect his groveling skills while he rots in that cell. Maybe if he's convincing enough, he can earn himself a participation trophy in the 'too little, too late' category."