“I wish I didn’t have to do this,” Davina mocked as he marched to her.
She pushed herself upright, grabbing his raised arm as she glared at him. His eyes widened as she muttered, “But you just stained my uniform.”
With that, she channeled her anger to her hands and sharply moved his wrist into an odd angle until she was able to hear his bone pop. Isaiah yelled out in pain. Davina kicked his stomach. She watched him fall on his behind with a grimace on his face. His glasses fell off his nose and crumpled under his quivering body.
“Pathetic,” Davina spat.
Her armor appeared, the pieces of rock and granite aligned perfectly around her Soldier uniform, her twin swords over her back, per usual. Davina held out her hand, a ball of fire crackling higher than it usually did.
“No, please, don’t kill me,” Isaiah begged as he cringed.
Davina scoffed. “Where’s that brainless fool who dared raise a hand against me?”
Davina extended her hands, forming bondages of fire to wrap around his forearms. As the chains of fire encircled his wrists, she could hear the sizzling of his skin. She knew the heat would hurt his broken bones even more and she smiled at the thought.
“Like a dog you speak to me, like a dog you’ll be leashed.”
“Raven is going to kill you! You and all your family. I’ll even tell her to send her Predators against that Mistran trash,” he yelled, drool escaping his mouth.
“I’d like to see her try.” Davina smirked. “Let’s go.”
Davina dragged Isaiah throughout Auris and into Castellum Island. As he struggled against the hot flames around his wrists, he begged violently to be freed. Irritation was clear in her expression as he commanded other Bellatormans to stop Davina and help him free from the chains of fire. Fortunately for those who were watching, no one dared cross her path.
As they stepped off of the Aurisan Bridge, Davina pulled the shackles and forced him to collide with the sand of Castellum.
“I command you to free me from these chains, Davina Almenara!” he yelled. “After everything that I have done for you and your family, this is how you return the favor. Me, your future husband!”
Davina examined her nails. He tried to stand, Davina flicked her fingers, sparks of violet flames fell over his face. A few specks landed in his right eye. Isaiah yelled as the particles embedded themselves into his sockets. He tried to reach for his eye but the fire around his skin burned brighter.
“Citizens of Bellatorm, I have come to present to you all, the reason why we have not been able to win the war against Raven and her Predators. There was a traitor among us.” Davina raised her voice.
Whispers traveled between the mob of Bellatormans.
“So, Chief Leader Isaiah, tell us. How long have you been serving your master?”
“I only have one master and that’s King Magnar,” Isaiah bit back. Davina strutted to his left, bent her knees, and lit her index finger on fire.
More whispers occurred among the people. Davina could feel their judgy looks.
Davina refused to accept being painted as unclean because of her lineage any longer. The only reason why their hateful comments and looks had eased was because of Isaiah. And even now, as she tried to prove herself to them again, they doubted her. After everything she had done for them. After saving their children and their homes. They were still ungrateful.
Well today, they were about to start being grateful before she decided to burn all the islands to the ground.
“Don’t you dare lie, or I will burn your good eye out.” Davina reached for his left eye, her flames dancing over her finger.
Sweat dribbled his chin as she neared her ignited hand to his skin. He looked at her with eyes full of hate.
“I’ve been working with Raven.”
Gasps of shock filled the air of Castellum. From the corner of her eye, Davina noticed seven figures stepping to the front lines of the scene. Her friends.
“Why?” Davina asked.
“I hated how you were so obsessed with that useless Mistran. I wanted you all for myself, but you remained loyal to him despite all my best efforts. I was the one who began those rumors about him, in hopes of you being disgusted by him, like I was. I did everything I could to make you love me with even just a fraction of the same love you had for him. I did everything! And I was still not enough.
“I intercepted his letters, and I made it seem like you were writing back, and it made him hate you. I was so close. I was so close to finally breaking you apart. But I could tell you still didn’t love me. Raven even tried to distract him in her way. But you two are so, so stubborn.”
Davina’s eyes snapped to Ron. He simply nodded. Davina questioned all his efforts and acts, and she was right all along. He was trying to erase Ron from her life.