Page 127 of Heiress of Fire

“Raven found me one day and said that she’d help me stop you two from ever being together again. As long as I gave her all of our strategies and plans.”

More gasps passed through the mob of Bellatormans.

“I know that you have held me to be discreditable because of my lineage being connected to Freya. But I refuse to accept this anymore. I am nothing like my ancestor. And to prove that to you, the King chose me as the Captain and my friends as my Generals of the army. We are the Island Protectors. This is why you see the armor that I wear now. This is why I have been here in Castellum. Because I believed in the future of our islands and our abilities. But none of you have believed in me.”

The crowd was silent. She didn’t know where this was going but she had to speak up because she couldn’t accept or carry the weight of her ancestor’s past anymore.

“I can be the villain of your story if you like. But I just wanted you all to know, Bellatorm, that I truly wish you gave me the chance to prove to you that I can be a hero. That I can be your friend. That I will give my life, if need be, to save our home. If we cannot learn to abide near one another because of the blood that courses through my veins, then let us live in unity for the love of our islands and for the love of our King, who has never been silent and has been present the entire time.”

She glimpsed several Bellatormans pondering and processing her words. It seemed as if they were believing her. She almost smiled, had it not been for her ex-fiancé who struggled against the grip of her enflamed bondages.

“The King is at fault for everything that has happened! You are just a mere child. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your life because His Majesty has decided to remain in silence,” a man beside Ron echoed.

Davina was able to identify him as a Neptulan with his deep blue that matched the color of his eyes.

The people around him agreed with him. She was losing them. The King was not about to lose more of his people to the evils of their hearts.

“The King has never spoken so loudly than in his silence. The King is in that castle right now like he always has been, and he has watched over you all. It is not his fault that evil dwells around us. We were the ones who allowed it to abide within us. If you permit us, me, and those of Castellum, we can help you with your powers.

“With your abilities activated, you will be strong enough to defeat the Dark Mistress and end this war once and for all. We won’t have to live in fear anymore. Raven will not be able to inhabit you if your powers are activated and this comes from careful research. And if we work as one, she will be defeated.”

“I still think you’re too young to fight this war,” the Neptulan man said.

Davina held tight to Isaiah’s leash and walked toward the man.

“You are a grown man, yet I have not seen you put in effort to protect your people. Which means that a child has been doing your job,” Davina muttered.

She turned to the crowd who held a pained look to find one of their Chief Leaders having been corrupted through Raven’s snares. Others were angry, while some were in shock. She walked back to stand beside Isaiah who thrashed against the chains of fire.

“So Bellatorm, I ask you, what should I do with this traitor?”

For a long moment, everything was silent. Except for the bright violet fire that shined between her and Isaiah. If they remained silent, if they walked away, then they refused her and the King. But if they answered… they accepted her as their Captain. As their Protector. Then she’d have influence.

Then she’d be able to help them fight against Raven. That’s all she wanted.


“Throw him into a cell!”

“Kill him!”

“Lock him up!”

She didn’t know how to contain the joy that bounced inside of her heart.

The people were willing.

Davina glared down at Isaiah as the shackles around his wrists crackled. He hissed as he closed his eyes from the pain.

“What do you think, Chief Leader?” she kneeled.

“Whatever you do to me, you shall do to your lover as well. Because he has also been working with our Dark Mistress,” he uttered.

Davina remained still. There was no proof. It couldn’t be possible. Ron would never be capable of doing that. She glanced at Ron who was still looking at her with a quizzical gaze. The crowd behind him roared with anger for Isaiah. Beacon, Caleb, Leilani, Snow, Cara, and Valerie stood as they watched with grimaces on their faces.

Right now, as much as she wished that her friends didn’t have to see this side of her, she was mad. She was angry. She was furious.

All those months without Ron were for nothing. Isaiah had malice in his heart the entire time. That pride, all his efforts, all those kisses she had to force herself to give was done in vain.