“Then after a while, I decided it would be a good idea to kill two birds with one stone. I could move on and get the people’s support through Isaiah,” Davina explained.
“Did you move on?” he asked. After seeing her hesitate for an answer, he asked another question. “Does he make you happy?”
“He does, he’s just—he’s not…” she couldn’t finish the sentence. She didn’t want to cheat on Isaiah like that. “There are some things he needs to fix about himself, and I understand that. No one is perfect.”
“I don’t think he’s good enough for you. I don’t know what it is exactly but I know he’s hiding something from you. So please promise me, you’re going to be careful whenever you’re around him.” Ron reached for her hand and caressed her knuckles.
Isaiah was a Chief Leader, what could he possibly be hiding? It was just Ron trying to watch out for her like he usually did.
“Then who’s good enough for me?” Davina grinned.
“I don’t know, a prince?” He laughed.
She snorted before she burst out in laughter. Ron joined in with her. Davina wanted to capture this moment and engrave it into the deepest pools of her essence. The certainty that she was in the right place beside Ron would never compare to the solace of any other home she’d ever dwelled in.
After their laughter quieted, she began to wonder if he had at last mastered his powers.
“Wait—” she began. “That day you returned to training with us, I saw lightning flash in your eyes. Did your powers finally activate?”
Ron beamed and nodded.
“Show me!” Davina squealed.
Ron lifted his free hand, not letting go of hers. In mere seconds, bright hues of blue and yellow appeared above his hand. Electricity buzzed and hummed as he wiggled his fingers. A brilliant grin crossed his lips, his eyes filled with wonder as he turned to her. Once he closed his hand, the light dimmed almost instantly.
“I’m so happy for you.” And she meant it. “Does this mean you’re going to fight with us?”
“Of course. For Bellatorm and for you. Wherever you go, I will go.”
This time, she believed him wholeheartedly.
She could feel the hum of his power buzzing under his fingertips and she couldn’t help but wonder whether he could feel the heat that warmed her skin.
“What caused you to change your mind about everything?”
Ron’s face went dark. He turned to the lake’s rippling water, she noticed the way his jaw clenched.
“I think what helped the most was knowing what was right and what was wrong. I realized that the hate and disbelief I kept in my heart was what was stopping me from letting my powers be at their fullest. Things got really bad for me. There were days where I was thinking of using my own staff to end my life.” He stopped. Davina felt like her pulsing heartbeat had stopped for just a second.
“But then I thought of you and the life you’re fighting for. I thought about everything I could’ve been if I only let go of everything I was too stubborn to hold onto. Then it didn’t sit well with me that I lived so long with hate and contempt toward myself and the world. I hated that you were right. That I was being selfish. I was being self-centered. All because I was scared.”
She waited patiently for him to continue.
“There was nothing for me to fear. The rush, the power, the ability is so wonderful. It’s so much more than what everyone ever told me it would be.”
Davina nodded, she understood that feeling. “I’m just happy that you came to your senses before you did anything drastic.”
“I am too because then I wouldn’t be able to tell you that I am willing to be completely and utterly yours.”
“What of Ashira?”
“I feel nothing for her.”
“Then why are you dragging her along?” Davina questioned.
“I am not dragging her along. She is the one who chooses to follow me around.”
“Please, I saw you both at the wedding.”