Page 122 of Heiress of Fire

“I had no date to the wedding. She searched for me and refused to let me go for almost the entirety of the event,” he sighed.

His words were enough. He was the most honest person she knew after Leilani.

Yet, she felt a bit of unease as she recalled the reputation he had created for himself. He had confirmed the rumors of the other women the moment that she had read what he wrote in that letter. Ron noticed the frown that curved her lips downward.

“What is it?” he asked.

“Nothing,” she said, not wanting to ruin the sweet moment they were sharing.

“There has been no other woman that has passed through my life, as special as you,” Ron promised.

She nodded with a small grin.

“You have nothing to worry about.”

She nodded again. Perhaps she was wrong about his honesty. Ron searched to meet her eyes.

“What’s wrong?” he wondered. He looked sincerely confused.

“What of all the women you’ve taken to your bed?”

Shock hit his expression.

“I’ve done no such thing!” he exclaimed.

Davina continued to stare at him with blank eyes.

“I know that there have been rumors about me but I promise you, Vivi, I have done no such thing.”

“Then why is Bellatorm repeating such foul comments about you?” she asked.

“You know how the people can be,” Ron said. “One day, I went to start my shift at the cavern and everyone was whispering and gushing as I passed by them. I asked around to see what the commotion had been, only to find out that someone supposedly saw me going home with another woman the night before. I didn’t care, I let it be and figured it could be my little revenge against you for having accepted Isaiah’s marriage proposal.” He scrunched up his nose as he scratched the back of his neck.

Davina’s lips gaped. “Ron!”

“I’m sorry.” He laughed and flinched away from Davina’s reach. She could tell that he was expecting another one of her punches.

Davina crossed her arms and held her brows furrowed. “You’re annoying.”

“You love it though,” Ron cackled.

“Do I?” she remarked.

“Of course you do. You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t.” An eyebrow of his quirked up. “I was so mad at you for accepting him as your fiancé before you ever let me have the chance of asking you.”

Davina wondered how different her life would be if it was Ron who had proposed instead.

“Shall we eat?” he asked as if trying to ease the heartache they felt.

Davina nodded.

“I brought you our favorite, chocolate chip cookies. Don’t burn them this time, please.” Ron held up a hand as he covered the box of cookies.

She rolled her eyes. “I promise I won’t.”

“Those were a batch of good cookies that you turned to garbage. Why do you think I shook my head that day?”

Davina laughed, her head tilted back as she let herself howl. Tears were beginning to sting her eyes from the laughter. But her rejoicing died once she realized that there was no way she could delight in Ron if Isaiah was her fiancé.