Page 40 of The Villain

“Stay,” he barks out as the phone continues ringing. It’s a tone that gets my attention fast. That wasn’t sweet and gentle or even concerned. That was a monster demanding I sit back down or face the consequences.

It sounded a lot like… me.

I stare at him, trying to see behind the mask he’s put back on. He isn’t looking at me. The phone has his attention. His posture is back to the stiff waiting he had before I arrived. He’s bracing himself for whatever this is going to turn into. He’s expecting bad things.

I retake my seat with a frown as he picks up the phone. His eyes flick to my face, watching me like I’m about to run. It’s a direct contrast to the tone he just used. A hint of vulnerability. He needs backup for this.

I throw my feet onto his thigh and cross my ankles. His shoulders drop with relief as he answers, his posture becoming more natural.

Just like Tera. Physical touch is a destressor. I’m noting that down too. The more time I spend with him the more fascinating he becomes. I want to hear that voice again.


I look out into the diner, trying to give him some privacy as I pretend to zone out. In reality I’m hanging on every word. If this doesn’t go well for him I’ll take care of it instead.

“Because no one was listening. I forgot I had the damn thing. No, it got brought up in conversation. Not Tera.” He watches my face as he talks. I try to pretend I can’t hear a thing. His voice hardens. “None of your business.”

Then he falls quiet. It lasts long enough that I glance over to see him grinding his teeth. His stare is focused on the table like he wants to start a fire with his eyes. His face slowly starts shutting down again.

I snatch the phone from his hand.

“Shut up and listen,” I rasp as Shade gapes at me. There’s dead silence on the other side of the line but my voice echoes like I’m on speaker phone. “Shade didn’t do anything wrong other than drive like an irresponsible dick, I’m sure. You owe. Pay up.”

I hand him the phone back with a glare.

He takes it from me slowly like I’m about to attack him with it. The thought makes me smirk.

His eyes are wide as he listens and nods at whatever he’s being told.

“Yeah, I’m here. I was just surprised. I hear you. I understand. I love you, too. I don’t think that’s a good idea. Too new. No. I’m looking into it. Alright. Bye.”

I raise a brow as he hangs up.

“Mom was stressed out and depressed because she thought I was letting my anger keep me from coming. She had no idea I was already there. She apologized.”

He sounds like I just performed a miracle. Listening goes both ways.

“Good. If they fuck it up now that’s on them. I’m sure it’ll be difficult to maintain since you’re a dick to everyone.”

“Yeah,” he clears his throat, looking uncomfortable.

“I get it,” I shrug it off. He shuts down as a shield so he won’t get hurt. Tera has the same reaction to problems even though she smiles through it.

“And you’re ok with it?” He asks doubtfully. His smile is crooked with hope. The innocent expression doesn’t look like it belongs there, but it’s natural. A younger Shade peeking out from behind his many masks. There’s so many versions to find.

But I can’t let him get away with everything, can I.

“Fuck no. If you want things to work you need to learn to behave. Doesn’t mean I don’t understand, though.”

Instead of shutting down he chuckles. A blush rises into his cheeks.

His phone rings again. When he sees the caller ID he sighs, tucking away all of his hidden pieces as he picks up. I don’t think I like his phone.


I take my feet back and he glares at me before he gets into the conversation. Our food arrives so I start eating without him. He tells whoever is on the phone that his food is right in front of him, then sighs in resignation as the call goes on.

My brow furrows as he stares at his burger, listening without speaking. All his enjoyment and his celebration of reuniting with his mom is gone.