This is bullshit.
He could put a halt to this at any point and he hasn’t.
I’m halfway done with my broth and the call is still happening. With how small my spoonfuls are, that’s telling. Shade is getting more and more angry the longer it takes. He obviously hasn’t learned yet.
I snatch the phone from him.
“He’s eating. Fuck off.” I hang it up and set it by my plate to finish my broth.
“You have to stop doing that,” his voice shakes as he tries not to laugh.
“No. You told them you were about to eat. They took your happiness and trashed it. They can respect you or kiss your ass. Nothing in between from now on.” I take another spoonful and glance around.
“It might have been work,” he says with a sly grin.
Like I give a fuck. Personal or work he deserves his own time.
The phone rings and a clown emoji pops up on the caller ID. I send it to voicemail.
“Evie,” he starts laughing harder as he watches me do it a second time.
“Is it life threatening news?” I ask blandly.
“Then fuck it,” I shrug. “Eat while it’s still warm.”
“I have to deal with the fallout from this. You know that, right?” He can barely get the words out he’s laughing so hard.
“You seem so scared,” I point out with a smirk. “I can deal with the fallout. I have your phone after all.”
Sadly it doesn’t ring again so I can prove it.
“Coffee tomorrow?” He raises a brow and smirks at me.
“Sure. Time?”
“Same time as before,” he sounds smug about my capitulation.
I finish my food and see he’s only taken a few bites. It’s almost ten and I’m exhausted.
His humor washes out and the monstrous tone returns when I stand up. “Where are you going?”
As much as I want to draw that piece of him out to study, I need sleep. I don’t get much on a good day.
“I’ve been up since three this morning and I’m beat. My voice is shot. It’s time for bed.”
“You can stay at my place,” he offers with narrowed eyes.
It’s tempting. Way too tempting. Him in a bed that close to me? I don’t think he has any idea what he’s asking me.
Or my staying there will prove to other people that we’re sleeping together.
This is his game, but he hasn’t given me any rules yet. I’ll make my own instead. He can tell them what he wants. I will follow up his lies however I want. Right now, I want sleep. I get the feeling I’m going to need my wits about me around him.
“You’re the type of guy that would murder me in my sleep and tell everyone you won the fight fair and square. No.”
He chokes on a fry with surprise.