He really had no room to talk when it came to volume control. He was quite the talker in the bedroom.

I loved every minute of it.

My hand slid up his stomach as I worked him in and out, rolling my tongue around the sensitive head while I palmed his balls. He groaned as his fingers fisted my hair. He thrust his hips forward, and I nearly gagged, his cock hitting the back of my throat.

I let my tongue flatten as he took over, fucking my mouth over and over. Our eyes held, making the carnal act that much more intimate.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he muttered, and I knew he was close.

I grabbed the back of his thighs, pinning him to me so he couldn’t pull away. His fingers tightened around my hair, and then he let out a groan. His head fell back as I swallowed down every drop of his orgasm.

His chest was still heaving when he hauled me up, his eyes shining bright as he pulled me in for a kiss. “Consider me thoroughly corrupted.”

I grinned. “With a dirty mouth like that”—I smiled, biting his bottom lip—“pretty sure you already were.”

“I don’t know,” he argued. “You bring out a whole new level of debauchery in me.”

I didn’t know if I believed that, considering he spent most of his life on tour with rock stars, but I’d let it slide.

“Speaking of”—his eyes swept over me—“you look very dirty. Want to join me in the shower?”

I couldn’t help but look at his naked chest, which of course only led to me picturing the rest of him naked.

“As much fun as that sounds,” I said, patting his chest, “you have plans.”

He adjusted his pants, and a small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he noticed me checking him out.

Smug bastard.

“Right, my brother’s bachelor party.”

I grinned. “Yep. Do you know where you’re going?”

“No, he’s being weirdly vague. Should I be worried?”

I shook my hand. “With Macon?” I scoffed. “No.”

“I assumed Macon was having a daytime bachelor party out of respect for Marin since you guys are doing”—he waved a hand—“whatever. Why do I get the feeling that’s not all there is to it?”

I tilted my head and reached for him. “Macon’s bachelor party was always low-key,” I told him. “Billy and Eli planned it that way.”

He stared at me intently as if he was putting the last piece of a puzzle together. “My brother’s an alcoholic, isn’t he?” Just saying the words seemed to pain him, and when I nodded, he flinched. “How long?”

“I think things got bad for him after Kristy cheated on him. But he’s been sober for a while now. He goes to meetings. He’s healthy.”

He went silent. The words seemed to take time to soak in, and I allowed him the time to process them.

“I wish I’d known,” he said. “I just never thought—after growing up with our dad. Macon is the strongest of the two of us, you know?”

“I think we always see our big brothers as superheroes, but they have flaws, just like the rest of us.” I cupped his cheek, making sure he saw me. “And you’re here now. That’s what matters.”

“So, what was the original plan for the bachelorette party?” he asked, leaning back against the other side of the counter, clearly needing a subject change. I handed him his forgotten coffee mug and I watched as he brought it to his lips.

God, that mouth.

“Definitely not whatever it is we’re doing now,” I answered, slightly distracted.

“You don’t know? Didn’t you just say you planned it?”