I wasn’t sure what I was expecting—but definitely not this. I scrolled down and down, and there was nothing.

Literally nothing. A few other notable Zander Greens popped up, but none of them were the hot, tattooed guitar god who was currently naked in my shower.

I let out a sigh. Maybe that was just what it was like, being a session guitarist.

Always there, but never seen.

My heart hurt at that sudden realization because if there was anything I’d learned about Zander Green, it was that he wasn’t meant to lurk in the background.

He was the main attraction.

“Janet at the coffeehouse winked at me yesterday,” Zander said, his husky voice in my ear as his arms pinned me to the countertop. “Fucking winked, Elena. We should have never left the house.”

I snorted out a laugh as his mouth lingered on my neck.

“It’s only been a few days since the cookout. I’m sure it will die down. Besides, I’m not exactly sure who you think you’re complaining to, Trouble.” I grabbed a coffee mug and then went back for another. “I seem to remember it was your bright idea to lock us in Marin’s studio while half the town was in the backyard.” I grabbed the freshly brewed coffee and poured two cups. “Wasn’t my fault.”

“Yeah, but it was your loud mouth that got us caught,” he countered as I turned and handed him his plain, boring black coffee.


“I can’t be held liable for that either.” I arched a brow before returning to my own cup. I threw in a little bit of sugar and some cream. “You were already aware of the volume level associated with”—I paused, taking a sip of coffee as I pivoted around to face him—“me being pleasured, so technically, that’s on you, too.”

“Did you just go all lawyer on me?”

God, those freaking dimples.

“Maybe a little.”

“It’s kind of hot,” he admitted as his eyes roamed over the Van Halen T-shirt I’d stolen from him. “Maybe we should role-play? I’ll be the corrupt—but hot—criminal, and you’ll be my super-sexy lawyer who just can’t seem to resist me.”

“Or we could just make out in the kitchen?” I suggested.

He set his coffee down and then did the same with mine. “So practical.” Amusement played across his face. “I’m not sure I could pull that one off anyway, seeing that I’m so gentle-natured and innocent.”

I sputtered out a laugh as he pulled me closer. “Innocent?” If he was innocent, I was the Pope. But sure. I’d play along.

“Wanna corrupt me?” A wicked grin spread across his face.

I wasn’t really sure who moved first, but we were on each other in an instant. My fingers fisted that inky-black hair. His hands wrapped around my waist as he pulled my mouth against his. Our kiss deepened as his tongue dived into my mouth. A hand slid down to cup my ass, urging me to wrap my legs around him.

But I had other plans.

He did want to be corrupted after all.

I pulled back, scattering kisses down his neck and torso. His breath was heavy, and I could feel his heartbeat as my fingers moved down the lean lines of his abs. I looked up to find his eyes on me, watching with that intense green stare.

I ran my fingernail over his hip bone, the sexy V that peeked out of his sweatpants. His stomach muscles involuntarily flexed as I reached for the waistband and slowly lowered it, taking his boxers with it.

I dropped to my knees.

His hands tightened around the edge of the counter as I took him in. I licked my lips in anticipation.

Zander was still silently watching me, still gripping that stone like his life depended on it. But this wasn’t my first time getting him off, and I knew the second my tongue grazed the underside of his?—

“Jesus, fuck,” he practically shouted, his head lolling back as I circled the tip of his cock, and then inch by inch, I closed my mouth around him.

“Shit, Elena.”