Page 48 of Dark Cravings

“What does that even mean?”

“Just talk to him, Shelby. Please. Would you do it for me?”

I looked at her hopeful face, wondering if I should actually give him a chance. Would I just end up hurt again or was this as serious as she was suggesting? I realized then that it wasn’t really fair of me to let Kenley talk and not Thomas.

“Okay, I’ll talk to him.”

“Thank you! You won’t regret this, I promise. I’m going to go now. Thomas will be at the club tonight if you want to see him.”

“I think I’d rather wait until tomorrow. It’s been a very long day.”

“Can I let him know that you’re going to talk with him?”

“Sure. I really am tempted to do a scene and see how he reacts,” I chuckled.

“Don’t be a bitch,” she laughed. “Just have a conversation with him.”

“I will. For now, though, I need to get myself some dinner and think for a bit.”

“I need to do the same. I’ll leave you to it. Thanks again, Shelby.”

“You’re quite welcome. I’ll talk to you once I meet up with him.”

“Sounds like a plan,” she said, walking to the door.

I hugged her and then waited until she’d pulled out of the driveway before I closed the door. I pooped a frozen dinner in the microwave and made my way back to the living room with it a few minutes later. I had a suspicion I knew what Thomas was going to say but I was almost afraid to hear it. I guess only time would tell. I was in bed fairly early and fell into an uneasy sleep.

I was nervous as hell when I got to the club the next night. I was honestly considering turning around and leaving when I found him looking at me from the other side of the dance floor. Sighing, I made my way over to him.

“Hi, Thomas.”

“Shelby, thanks so much for agreeing to meet with me. Can we talk in my office where it’s quiet?”

“Sure. Lead the way.”

I followed him up the stairs and into his office, dropping into one of his chairs. I looked at him expectantly and waited for him to start talking.

“I talked to Kenley. I told her I had realized just how badly I’d screwed things up by not waiting for you. I never should have given up so easily.”

“Then why did you? I told you I just needed a little more time.”

“Because I was too proud. Shelby. I figured you were going to say no and I didn’t want to give you that chance. I figured if I made the choice for us, it would be better for me.”

“And was it?”

“Not even remotely. I knew as soon as you two left that I’d fucked up. I’ve been kicking myself for it ever since.”

“Why are you telling me this, Thomas? Are you just looking to assuage your guilt?”

“No, not at all. Shelby, I want you. I want you both and I know now that I can handle you being a switch.”

“Why the sudden epiphany?”

“I had a conversation with Chase. He pretty much pointed out that I was being a moron. I realized after talking to him that I had lost the two most important people in my life. I would do anything to convince you that I’m worth the risk.”

“Thomas, you’re telling me that after months of going back and forth, you’re just suddenly 100% sure of things? You didn’t just hurt me. You broke my fucking heart and now you’re looking for me to give it to you again?”

“I know you have your doubts, and I don’t blame you, but I promise you, this is real.”