Page 47 of Dark Cravings

? ?? Rose full of thorns … ???

Islammed the door and leaned back against it. The fucking audacity of him, thinking I was just going to fall at his feet because he apologized. He had his chance and he fucked it up. I only wish things hadn’t gone to shit with Kenley too. It would have been nice to have at least one of them. I had been home about an hour when my doorbell rang. My eyes narrowed as I flung the door open, fully expecting to find Thomas there again.

Instead, I found Kenley standing there, looking as stunning as she always did, even in a pair of jeans and a sweater.

“Kenley? What are you doing here?”

“I think we need to have a conversation.”

“Do we really have anything left to talk about? Does this have anything to do with Thomas being here an hour ago?”

“Yes, and yes. Please, Shelby, you owe me at least this much.”

“Okay, come on in. Would you like a drink?”

“Just a water would be great.”

“Go on into the living room and I’ll grab it. Make yourself at home.”

I grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge and went in to find out what she had to say. I wasn’t sure what I even wanted to hear but I would give her the chance to say it.

“So, what’s up?”

“I played at the club the other night and something weird happened after I finished.”


“Yeah. Thomas came over to me and was jealous as fuck. Honestly, he acted like a complete asshole.”

“Why on earth would he have been jealous? He’s the one who fucking ended things?!”

“I asked the same thing. I wonder if he would be jealous of me too?”

“I can guarantee he would be but, Shelby, don’t be petty like that. You’re better than that.”

“Why was he even here?”

“He was here because he wants to have a frank discussion with you. He’s straightened out a lot of things in his head. I think you would be surprised at how far he’s come in the last little bit.”

“You talked with him then?”

“I did. I wasn’t going to but he convinced me to give him a few minutes and I’m glad I did. Listen, I owe you an apology too.”

“What? No, you don’t.”

“I do. Shelby, I was so fucking selfish. I was so wrapped up in myself and what I wanted that I didn’t even consider your needs. I’m so sorry for that.”

“Thanks, Kenley. I’m not upset with you about that, though. I think things ended on better terms with you than they did with Thomas.”

“I can’t argue with that,” she laughed.

“What is it you want, Kenley?”

“I’m asking you to hear Thomas out. It would be worth it.”

“I don’t see the point. I think that ship has sailed.”

“Okay, but what if it hasn’t?”