“Was my leaving the room somehow unclear?”
“You were unreasonable and you know it. We can talk out here or we can talk inside but we are going to talk.”
“You’re being awfully pushy.”
“And you’re being a bitch. Let me in,” I growled.
Her eyes widened and she stepped back to let me in. I couldn’t believe that had worked but I was going for it.
“You made an unfair assumption, Shelby. You have no fucking idea what he was going to say.”
“I know exactly what he was going to say.”
“Bullshit. You cut him off before he could get a full sentence out. Do you really think he would recruit me to sit here for fucking days waiting for you if he hadn’t decided he was all in?” I snapped, officially out of patience. “This is as new to him as it is to the rest of us but he thought a lot about it and decided he wanted both of us. Why can’t you see that we want what you’ve wanted from the beginning?”
“He shouldn’t have fucked us and then hesitated, Kenley,” she said dejectedly.
“Shelby, he asked for time to think. “So did you. How is that any different? You finally have what you wanted and you’re sitting here wanting to throw it away.”
“How can I throw away something that never was. I need to protect my heart. Can’t you understand that?”
“Of course I can! That’s something I had to think about too. Give us a chance. You won’t regret this.”
“I don’t know what to say. I’m scared, Kenley. I’m scared that I’m going to open myself up again and one or both of you are going to hurt me.”
“There is no guarantee in life, Shelby, but are you really willing to miss out on something that could be great?”
“How do you know he’s serious?”
“I trust him. I trust when he says he’s thought hard about this and come to a decision.”
“Maybe I was too quick to cut him off. It’s just been so hard waiting on you guys.”
“I know it has, and we’re sorry for that. What matters is that we’re here and want to pursue this.”
“I have to think on this. I know I was the one pushing for this but I was hurt when you both kind of backed away. I have to decide whether I can trust you two or not.”
“Okay, Shelby. I understand,” I said sadly. “You just let us know.”
“I will. Thank you for understanding, Kenley, and for being so pushy.”
I walked out of the house, got in my car, and headed home. I had to think of a way to tell Thomas she needed more time that wouldn’t push him away. I honestly believed that she was going to come around. I was starving by the time I got home, so I popped a frozen dinner in the microwave and waited for it to cook. I settled into the living room with that and a glass of wine before pulling out my phone.
Kenley: Hi, Thomas.
Kenley: Are you around?
I waited for a response and when I hadn’t heard back after an hour, I messaged again.
Kenley: Thomas, I need to talk to you. I talked to Shelby.
I didn’t hear back from him and I was so confused. When I climbed into bed, I was plagued by thoughts of them. This was getting ridiculous.
How did I become the one trying to make this work?
? ?? Red little heart, black little soul … ???