Page 34 of Dark Cravings

We chatted the entire time we sat there, leaving disappointed a couple of hours later when she still hadn’t shown up. After three days like this, it was obvious she was avoiding us, so on day four, we came later in the evening, ecstatic when she pulled into her driveway. We jumped out of the car and practically ran to ensure we caught her before she went into her house.

“Shelby!” I called. “We’ve been trying to talk to you for days.”

She looked over at us and the expression on her face made it clear we were going to have an uphill battle on our hands.

“Did it occur to you that I just didn’t have anything to say to you guys?” she asked flatly.

“That’s okay. We’re just looking for you to listen to what we have to say. After that, if you still want us to, we’ll leave.” Thomas said, hope in his eyes.

“Fine. You’ve got five minutes. Come on in.”

We followed her eagerly into her house and the three of us sat in her living room. Thomas and I looked at each other, trying to figure out which one of us was going to start. I decided I would and took a deep breath.

“Shelby, let me start by apologizing. I’m so sorry I’ve made you feel bad. I can totally understand where you’re coming from.”

“I’m sorry too. I know we haven’t made this easy on you.”

“No, you haven’t and, honestly, your apologies don’t mean a whole lot right now. They’re only words.”

“That’s not fair, Shelby. Yes, we’re saying the words but you haven’t given us the chance to prove we mean them. You can’t judge us for something we can’t have done yet,” I reasoned.

“All we’re asking for is a chance to prove to you that this is something we want.”

“So, you’ve finally made a decision, then?” she asked.

“Yes, I have. I haven’t been as happy as I am with you two in a very long time. I want to see where it leads.”

“And you think you can let me Domme sometimes?”

“Well, I?—”

“Seriously? Get the fuck out,” she hissed.

“You don’t even know what I was going to say!” he exclaimed.

“If you were truly okay with it, you would have just said yes.”

I looked from one to the other, trying to figure out what had just happened. It seemed like Thomas was hesitating but it was unreasonable not to let him finish his fucking sentence. She was acting like a grumpy toddler.

“Shelby, don’t you think you should let him finish? Neither one of us knows what he was going to say. What I do know is that he has sat outside your house for days trying to talk to you.”

“Your five minutes is up. Get out.”

We watched in shock as she stood, walked down the hallway, and went into one of the rooms. She slammed the door and it was clear we were done. Thomas and I walked outside and I could see the despair in his eyes.

“I guess we have our answer,” he said.

“Let me try to talk to her on my own. Maybe I can convince her to give us a chance. You better be sure of your decision though.”

“I am, Kenley. That’s what I was trying to tell her in there but she cut me off.”

“She really didn’t give you much of a chance, though it did kind of sound like a hesitation. Like you were hedging your answer.”

“For fuck’s sake. I wasn’t. I can’t seem to do anything right,” he said with slumped shoulders. “I’m just going to go. Talk to her if you want… if she’ll even come to the door.”

“Go. I’ll message you later.”

He nodded and walked to his car, climbing into the driver’s seat. I had no idea whether I could get Shelby to answer the door but maybe if I was obnoxious enough, she would. I rang the bell and knocked. Endlessly. I stood there looking like an idiot, but a determined one. After about half an hour, she ripped open the door and snarled.