“I started back last week. The guys are trading time off for now so we don’t have to put her into daycare. We want to do that when she’s a year old.”
“That sounds like a great plan. How are you doing being away from her?”
“I have mixed feelings, to be honest. I miss her… but I don’t,” she laughed.
“Babies are a lot, I get it. Are you liking your job still?”
“I’m the boss, what’s not to like?”
“That’s true,” I chuckled. “People would never guess that you’re a sub.”
“No, they sure wouldn’t. I can’t wait for you to see the club.”
“Why don’t you take her over now?” Chase suggested as he walked into the room. “It’s not open yet so it’ll be easy to give the tour.”
“That’s a fantastic idea! Shelby, you in?”
“Sure, why not?”
We piled into Raven’s car as she chattered excitedly about the club. The way she was always carrying on, it must be amazing. When we got there, she let us in the side door and led me up a set of stairs.
“I figured we’d start up here and work our way down.”
“Fine with me. You’re the boss,” I teased.
She rolled her eyes but laughed.
“This corner is made up of the owners' and managers' offices. If you decide to become a member… which you totally should… you’ll have your interview up here. I’m sure you’ll find yourself up here with us too.
“We have rooms up here that members can book for an hour at a time. The club is huge, so you’ll see there are ten rooms down either side and ten across the back.”
“Holy shit, Raven. This is something else.”
“You haven’t seen the rest of it yet. Just wait. This center part holds equipment that is open to anyone to use. We also do all of our demos and information sessions up here. We do demos once a week on a variety of subjects. There are some more popular than others. One of our riggers does a demo once a month. Impact play is done once a week.”
“Do Seb and Chase choose all of the topics?”
“Nope. They don’t run the club like that. The website has a members' portal where you can choose demos you’d like to see or you can use the suggestion box in there. Shall we go downstairs?”
Raven led me downstairs and my jaw dropped. Eyes wide, I tried to take it in. There was a huge dance floor at the front of the club. It neared the width of the club and it went back about a third of the way. The bar was behind it and almost as big. I could only imagine how busy it must get in here. There were tables and chairs to the side and back of the bar.
“These rooms along the back are the managers' private rooms. We each have our own that no one else uses. Here is the pièce de résistance.”
“Fuck me,” I breathed when I saw it.
She was right. This topped everything else in this club and any other I’d been to. There were picture windows from the back of the club all the way to the dance floor. Each room had different equipment in it.
“Raven, this is… I don’t even know. Can anyone use them?”
“Yes, they can be signed up for in slots of forty-five minutes. Having said that, from time to time, equipment will be added that requires you to take part in the information session and watch the demo.”
“Well, right now, it’s the revolving bondage wheel.”
“Oh my God. I’ve heard those are fucking epic.”