“It is,” she grinned. “One of the other managers, Cam, and his sub, Heidi, do the demo for that. The crowds watching these windows get pretty huge.”
“I can imagine. Fuck, Raven. I want to come here. I need to be a member.”
“Let’s get you through the open house, shall we? If you feel the same, I’ll get you started on the process.”
“Fine,” I grumbled.
“It’s the difference of a day, Shelby. You’ll survive.”
“I hope so.”
I winked at her and looked around again. This club was unlike anything I’d ever seen. I couldn’t wait to see it in action. We headed back to her house and I spent the evening visiting with her and the guys.
The next day was a very long one, waiting eagerly to go back to the club. I was so excited to see what it was like busy. Raven had warned me that they were filled to capacity most nights but especially on open house nights. That just meant there would be lots for me to look at. We went to the same door as we had the day before but today, there was a hot as fuck bouncer standing there. Well over 6’ tall, dark hair, and a neatly trimmed beard had me fucking swooning.
“Thomas, this is my friend, Shelby. Shelby, this is our head bouncer, Thomas.”
“It’s wonderful to meet you,” I gushed, cheeks pinking.
“It’s nice to meet you too,” he answered. “Have a great night, ladies.”
“Shelby! You were totally eye-fucking him!” Raven laughed.
“I was not!”
“Oh, you most definitely were.”
“If I was… and I’m not saying I was… Is he single? Is he in the lifestyle?”
“Whatever. Yes, he’s single and he’s one of our Doms.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” I winked.
“Come with me. The girls are in Sasha’s office. I’ll introduce you and then we can explore.”
I followed her to an office upstairs, excited to be meeting such close friends of hers.
“Hey, everyone,” she greeted as we walked in. “This is my friend, Shelby.”
“It’s nice to finally meet you. We were starting to wonder if you actually existed. I’m Sasha.”
“Yeah, I gathered by your introduction,” I chuckled. “Raven said you were sassy as hell.”
“I’m Leah and this is Heidi,” Leah offered. “It’s great to meet you.”
“Great, we’ve all met,” Sasha said. “Let’s get this party started!”
“Way to give her time to get to know us, Sash,” Raven giggled.
“It’s all good. I agree with Sasha, let’s go,” I said.
We all headed downstairs to the bar and got drinks. The club was absolutely slamming. It was as fucking epic as I’d expected. I didn’t need to see more.
“Raven, I want in. Tell me what I need to do.”
“I didn’t think we’d get through the night. We’ll get you all set tomorrow to start the process. The vetting process will be quick for you since you already know all of us. You will still need to do an interview, though.”