“So, I had an idea.”
“Well, there’s a terrifying thought,” I laughed.
“Keep it up and I’ll ignore you all weekend and just spend time with Raven!”
“Ignore her, what’s your idea?”
“I think we should have an event at the club. We should have a Halloween party!”
“Oh, I love that idea,” cried Raven. I love parties.”
“She does. For someone who has always been shy, she always loved a good party. She just stuck to the walls and didn’t talk to anyone. What did you have in mind?”
“I think we should limit attendance. That way, people can see each other’s’ costumes and have room to do everything else.”
“I agree. I love the club on a normal night, but we’re packed in like sardines when we try dancing. The club is large enough that we could limit it to one hundred and have room for everything,” I smiled.
“Okay, so we all agree that limited attendance is a good idea. We should sell tickets and maybe 20% of the proceeds could go to a charity,” suggested Raven.
“Sounds good. I think we should do food too. Just snack stuff like chips and candy. That way there won’t need to be any sort of catering needed. It also doesn’t cost very much for that shit.”
“Yeah, cause it’s coming out of your pocket, Sasha.”
She smacked my arm jokingly, the three of us laughing.
“We definitely need decorations, but not just cheesy decorations. I mean, we definitely need those too. Where would we find Inhibition-worthy decorations,” Raven asked.
Sasha and I met eyes and I could tell we’d had the same idea.
“Romantic Depot,” Sasha and I said together.
“Romantic Depot?”
“The biggest fucking sex shop in New York. Jason took me there a while back. We’ll be able to get some kickass stuff there. We best convince the boys before they know just how much this event is going to cost them.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that, ladies. I’ll threaten to withhold sex if they say no. They wouldn’t last a day.”
“Okay, what else can we do to make it a special event?” I asked. “A few decorations and some chips hardly make it worth buying tickets for.”
“No, you’re right. The guys rotate out their equipment so things don’t get stale in the club. They have a few different types of cages. I think we should put one in each of the window rooms and a couple upstairs. We should definitely get some coffins too.”
“For decoration?”
“Sure, Raven,” Sasha smiled. “Let’s go with that.”
I couldn’t help but laugh at Raven’s expression. She’d been around for a while, but she was still pretty green to the lifestyle. We had to come up with something better than what we had so far.
“We need prizes. And an auction. And.. uhh…”
“Breathe, Leah. Are you talking door prizes, like our high school prom?”
“Yes, for starters. We should also do a few random prizes. Maybe we could sell raffle tickets.”
“I like all of those ideas. We should definitely do the auction. I bet we can get some pretty amazing things donated from local businesses. The guys have all kinds of connections.”
“I think, if we do the auction, the entire proceeds should be donated. The ticket sales and any alcohol purchased should cover any overhead,” Raven agreed.
“Now we just have to figure out costumes.”