New tears started. I clambered up and straddled Daniel's thighs. He held me tight as I slung my arms around his neck and buried my face against his hair, surrounded by his scent.
His arms moved to hug me tighter. "I've got you. Let it go."
Every stress from the past week at work. Every negative thought. Every insecurity. It all spilled out. Daniel held me, whispering soft words in my ear as I cried.
"That's it, Ethan … Let it all out … I'm here for you."
I didn't hold back. I'd never sought this kind of release from anyone before. Sure, I'd played with having a lover land a few smacks on my ass.
But nothing like this. I had allowed Daniel to open my inner workings and fears.
Now, they were spilling out of me.
I clung to him. I trusted him with my deepest emotions.
I held his face and found his lips. Tears and passion mixed on our skin. I kissed him until my heartrate slowed and I felt calm again. Calm and safe in his arms.
"Take me to bed and fuck me," I whispered against his lips.
He carried me into the bedroom.
In bed, after caressing me into the bedding—topped by devastating devotion and affection in his eyes, Daniel held me and covered the back of my neck in kisses.
"You shared so much of yourself with me tonight," he said, his warm breath on my skin.
I burrowed deeper into his embrace. "I trust you."
Daniel urged me to roll over to face him. "I feel honoured you trusted me." He traced one of my eyebrows with his fingertip, ending at my cheek. "You are so special."
I dipped my gaze away. My dark side didn't believe him.
And it was tapping at the door of my happiness.
The spanking hadn't dislodged its advance.
I did my best to smile at him. Daniel was everything I'd dreamed of having in my life.
I'd fight like hell to keep that door closed.
It was 9:10 pm and we hadn't started our Salish Sea Society meeting yet. Noah and Liam were sitting in the snug. Noah filled his pint glass and Liam sipped serenely on what looked like a tall glass of ice water. I was leaning against the doorway, keeping an eye on what appeared to be a terse conversation between Owen and an incredibly gorgeous guy in a suit.
I stepped back as Owen stormed past me, muttering under his breath about someone being an asshole. I'm assuming the guy he'd been speaking with.
I rushed over to the table and took my seat. Owen slammed his glass down and reached for the pitcher of beer, slopping the amber liquid as he poured. The guy had rattled him.
"Who was that?" I asked.
"Chad." Owen sneered. "The pretentious prick."
I smirked. "So … a friend?"
"New guy in the office," Owen grumbled. "From Alberta."
"And you've gone out of your way to make him feel so welcome."
"Fuck off. The guy is an asshole."
I peered out through the doorway to take another glance at Chad. "He's hot."