"Obviously, but that doesn't negate his arrogance."
Liam looked over his shoulder into the pub. "Him?" He pointed toward Chad who was standing in a circle of other men in expensive suits. "I'd fuck him."
"That's not exactly saying much." Noah rose from his seat to hang around the edge of the doorway to see for himself. "Yeah. I hear you, Liam. I'd let him fuck me … many times over."
Owen pounded on the table. "Noah. Sit. Stop gawking … all of you."
I laughed. "But he's so pretty to look at. Surely, you can't deny that."
"I already agreed he's hot." Owen crossed his arms. "Can we talk about something else?"
Noah dropped into his seat. "We've set a date for the wedding."
"There," Owen said. "Let's talk about that. When is it?"
"September thirtieth."
"That's soon," I said. "How did you secure a venue on such short notice?"
"A cancellation came up."
"Where?" Owen asked.
"Vibrant Vineyards out in Cowichan."
"Oh, nice," said Liam. "Love that vineyard."
"Since when do you like wine?" Noah asked.
Liam shrugged. "Since a hookup turned me on to a nice Cabernet."
I snorted. "Wonders never cease."
"I thought your parents would be pushing for the Pacific Grande," Owen said to Noah.
"Believe me, my mother tried. Brody put his foot down. We want the wedding to be small to prevent Brody getting overstimulated. Hell, we'll both be nervous enough as it is. A smaller venue means we're not inviting any of my parents' friends. They're upset about that."
"They want to show off their last child to get married," Liam concluded.
Noah raised his glass to cheering height. "We're not having any of it."
Owen raised his glass too. "Here's to blocking meddling parents."
"Hear. Hear." Liam and I joined the toast and clinked everyone's glasses.
We settled in and were silent for a second.
"What's everyone doing for pride week?" Liam asked.
"We're not partaking," Noah said. "The crowds and noise are too much for Brody."
"You know I don't usually do anything," I said. "July is a busy month at work for me."
"You don't think Daniel would be interested in going to something?" Owen asked.
"He's pretty fresh out of the closet." But Owen was right. I should at least ask him. I could take time off work if there was something he wanted to go to. "I'll see what he says."
"I'm going to a drag brunch," Liam said. "A hookup of mine is one of the drag queens."