Page 34 of Ethan

Owen: You'll do that no problem. If he really likes you, anything you do is going to make him feel good. Anything he does is going to make you feel good too. You've got this.

Me: Thanks, Owen.

Owen: When is this illustrious event happening?

Me: Tomorrow night. We're going camping.

Owen: Then, as a former roommate of yours, volume. People will be able to hear you. And believe me … they will hear you. I spent a large portion of my wages on ear plugs.

Me: Haha. I'll try to keep it down.

Owen: Did I give you enough pep?

Me: The perfect amount. Love you.

Owen: Love you too.

I wouldn't bother consulting with Liam. His advice would be too graphic, illustrating positions he'd used with the many gay sex cherries he'd popped over the years.

Daniel and I would find our rhythm.

I opened my notes app and made a list of baked goods Claire was going to need to buy to stock the coffee shop for the weekend. There was a local artisan bakery that would fit the bill perfectly. It was one of my frequent stops even though I could make everything myself.

This weekend was going to be a turning point.

I was completely enthralled with Daniel.

I wondered where he and I would be by Sunday afternoon.

The word I'd use to describe the forest we drove into would be ancient. I'd read that some of the Douglas fir trees making up much of the Goldstream Provincial Park were over six hundred years old. They'd been here long before any pioneers arrived to settle.

Daniel drove down the narrow winding road through the massive trees past other campers, some in tents, some trailers, some campers, and RVs. After finding our reserved spot, he backed the camper into it. The van was newer and more spacious than I'd been expecting.

Our spot, as well as most others, was fairly private. A circular pad of gravel nestled among the trees. Enough room for the camper, a robust wooden picnic table, and a circular metal firepit.

Jumping out, I was immediately struck by the pristine scent of evergreen trees and the sound of birdsong, including the caws and clicks of ravens overhead.

"Where do we start?" I asked Daniel.

"After I set up the van, let's get our seating area dealt with. You can help me with the awning. Then I've got a couple of chairs, tables, and an outdoor kitchen and carpet to set out."

"You're quite the organized camper."

"I've been camping for most of my life. Plus, I'm very much a creature comfort camper."

"Then we'll get on fantastically."

After Daniel extended the two pushouts, one in the living room, and one in the bedroom, I helped him by cranking down the awning that was attached to the side of the van, then tried to be useful in setting everything else up. The next thing out of the camper was bag after bag of cut firewood and a small hatchet. I helped Daniel pile all of that near the firepit.

"I brought steaks for us to have for dinner tonight." Daniel ducked into the camper and returned with a plastic container I assumed contained marinating steaks.

"What can I do to help?"

"I'll get you to cut and boil some potatoes." To the left of the barbeque, Daniel had set a small table. On it was a Coleman stove with two burners. He twisted a propane cylinder onto the stove. "You'll find a cutting board and knife in the van. And the potatoes." He pointed at the site-provided picnic table. "You can cut them over there."

"Are you going to start the water?"

"As soon as I grab some, I'll put on a pot."