Page 18 of Ethan

God, I hope not.

"I don't know what to do. They're incredible. Successful. Intelligent. Always smiling with a confidence that lights up the room. And they're gorgeous. So gorgeous."

Frank laughed. "Then what's the problem?"

I scooted the carafe of water that had been set on our table to one side. "Their age. They're not much older than my children. I think Sarah and Derek would have a problem with that."

"But you really like her?"

I set aside the continued mention of the incorrect pronoun. I was reluctant to tell Frank I was smitten with a man. That I was considering foraying out of the closet.

Into the complete unknown.

"I do. They don't seem younger than me. There's no flightiness. No immaturity. Just a hardworking and joyful individual who makes me want to experience more of them."

Frank frowned at me. "You keep using they/them."

I rolled my eyes.


"Are they non-binary or something?" Frank continued.

"No." I stared at the menu and picked at the edge of it. I wasn't sure how Frank would react. He'd never made any homophobic remarks around me, but he'd never spoken in support of the queer community either. This could ruin our friendship—or not.

Only one way to find out.

"His name is Ethan."

I looked up. Frank's eyebrows were raised but he didn't look disgusted.

"A man?"

"Yeah. It's the first time I've ever done anything like this."

"Are you gay?"

"No. Bisexual. I've always been attracted to women and men."

"Huh." Frank rubbed his chin. "Never saw that in you."

"Didn't exactly advertise it. I was married."

"Does Delores know?"

"About my attraction to men?" I shook my head. "No. It's not something we ever talked about."

"So … you really like this guy, Ethan?"

I wouldn't look away from Frank's gaze for this. "So much. Borders on painful."

"Are you going to ask him out?"

"I don't know. I'm reluctant."

"Because he's younger … and a man?"

I took a sip of my iced water. It felt good on my throat. "Both could be a problem."