"What for?" Carrie asks.

"Just do it." I tell her.

I chance another look at Daniella, she’s talking on the phone, hand waving wildly, mouth moving a mile a minute. I know those gestures. Someone is getting in shit.

"Carrie, open the door a crack. I want to hear what Ms. Carter is saying."

"That’s creepy Luke," she says as she reaches over and does as I ask, all while smiling like an idiot.

"Mason, you tell Axe I’m going to cut his damn hands off if he keeps going into my pantie drawer. Tell him to put them all back and lock my door," Daniella orders.

Carrie shoots me a look of ‘I told you so.’

"No. No—n—put him on the phone…I don’t give two shits, Mason, put him on the phone. I’ll deal with you when I get home." Daniella taps her foot on the floor.

"Axe. Axe! Listen here you little shit, you put every single one of my panties back in that drawer or so help me, I will bury you in the backyard along with Mason and adopt Clay as my new son. You feel me?" Daniella yells.

The other two women are watching with disgusted looks on their faces. I, on the other hand, have never been so attracted to a woman before. I take a deep breath, trying to calm the storm that’s raging inside me.

"No, you can’t keep one! And I’m not telling you why I have matching sets of black and red lace panties and bras…Axton Charles, I am sixty seconds away from saying fuck this job and coming home to beat you…oh my God! You little pervert. Put Mason back on the phone!" Daniella orders.

"Mason! You two better be home when I get there, I’m going to rip a strip off both of you…good, now hopefully Mr. Archer hasn’t heard any of this and I still get the chance to interview for this job," her tone becomes affectionate. "I love you; I’ll be home soon." She hangs up the phone and drops it back in her purse like nothing happened.

Carrie opens the door wider and walks out. "Luke will see you now," she calls.

The younger women jump up and rush the door, fighting to get in and sit as close to me as possible. Daniella takes her time, stopping to say something to Carrie, causing her to cackle, before walking inside and shutting the door behind her.

She sits to the right of me, next to Tessa. Daniella puts her purse down, pulling her chair in and resting her forearms on the table. While the other two sit up straight, tits pushed out, smiling brightly, all while eye fucking me.

"Ladies, thank you for coming in this morning—"

"Thank you for taking time out from your busy schedule to see me," Addison purrs.

My eyes snap to hers, her smile falters, and she looks away.

"As I was saying, thank you for coming in this morning. We are going to start with a group interview then move onto one on one. Let us start with your experience," I say.

I keep looking over at Daniella. Even this close, I can’t get a read on her. However, I do notice a scar running from her temple to her chin. Although it doesn’t detract from her beauty.

"I’ll start," Tessa announces. "My name is Tessa. I’ve worked as a receptionist for the mayor, mayor’s aid, and city hall." She flashes a huge smile and way more cleavage than is necessary.

Addison introduces herself next. "My name is Addison. I was a personal assistant to the mayor’s aid and for the city planner." Another huge smile and more cleavage.

I don’t know how my brother does this every few months. I’m annoyed already.

I take a chance and glance at Daniella. She’s picking at her nails, her eyes downcast. There’s a slight tremor in her hands and under the table her foot taps out a rapid beat as if she’s ready to run.

I clear my throat, causing her to jump.

"Oh," Daniella straightens in her chair. "I’m Daniella, but I go by Dani. I have no experience as a personal assistant, but I have a seventeen-year-old son who can’t do anything for himself." She says.

There’s a sharp knock on the door before it opens. "Sorry to interrupt, but there’s a situation that needs your attention." Carrie says.

I stand, excusing myself and walk out. Leaving the door open a tad.

"I think this is a stupid idea." Carrie whispers, turning on her heel and striding away.

I lean against the other closed door, listening in.