"Then why are you here if you have no experience?" Addison asks.

"I have a son to take care of, plus bills and rent to pay." Dani answers plainly.

"You should’ve thought of that before you opened your legs and got knocked up." Addison replies with ridicule in her tone.

"And you should’ve been the load your mother swallowed, but here you are." Dani says without missing a beat.

My eyebrows go up at that comment but I have to agree.

"And if you weren’t such a slut, that friend of your kid would know he doesn’t have a chance." Addison snaps, her voice shaking.

"You’re like the end pieces of a loaf of bread. Everybody touches you but nobody wants you," Dani snaps back.

I’ve heard enough. I stride back in, closing the door and taking my seat at the head of the table.

"I heard what was said while I was out of the room," I say, looking each woman in the eye. "It is no business of yours why Daniella is here." I place my forearms on the table. "Her resume impressed me. Her experience in dealing with the public played a huge factor in my reason for her being here."

I meet Addison’s eyes, seeing embarrassment. "Apologise."

Addison mutters one under her breath.

"Louder," I snarl, "and mean it."

"Sorry." Addison says, looking away from me.

I glance at Dani; her cheeks are painted a pretty pink colour, and there’s a look of shock in her beautiful turquoise eyes.

"I’m sorry." Dani whispers.

"There is no need for you to apologise, Daniella. Addison was out of line." I inform her. Dani opens her mouth to reply, but I hold up a hand to stop her. "Now, let’s continue with this interview."

Dani blinks in confusion before she stands quickly. "I’m sorry, Mr. Archer, but I don’t think I can work for you." Dani states, picking up her purse and heads for the door.

"Ms. Carter," I call, grabbing her attention. She turns slightly but not enough to see those amazing turquoise eyes. "Care to explain why?"

Dani plays with her purse strap. "I’m not good with people."

I lean forward, watching her strangle the shit out of that skinny piece of leather. "And why is that?"

Dani’s eyes dart to mine briefly before focusing on the floor. "I don’t have the patience for stupidity, and I have a tendency to blurt out whatever comes to mind." She shrugs, turning her head away from me.

"You start tomorrow." I say, sitting back in the chair and crossing my arms over my chest. She turns fully then, skeptical eyes wide.

Shit, those eyes are out of this world.

"Are you high?" Dani blurts out then slaps a hand over her mouth.

Tessa and Addison inhale sharply.

I shake my head, keeping eye contact with her. "I like you, Ms. Carter, and I don’t like many people." I state.

Dani’s brows fly up her forehead. I straighten, closing my suit jacket. I walk past her and open the door, catching a trace of her perfume. She smells like heaven. Coconut and vanilla.

"If you will follow me to my office, I have some papers I need you to fill out. Basic information and such." I step out, waiting for her to follow. "Carrie, can you show the other two ladies out?"

I look back at Dani; she’s staring up at me with turmoil flashing in her eyes.

"Shall we?" I motion for her to follow as I head towards my office.