Page 87 of Lord of Debauchery

“Do you love him?” Georgia asked a few seconds later. She was in the process of refilling all our glasses for a massive toast.

I didn’t need to think about the question. “Yes, very much.”

“Then stop being so worried. Everything is going to work out just fine.”

“But how do you ladies do it? How can you raise a family while guards follow you all hours of the day and night?” It was an honest question and one I’d wanted to ask for some time.

The women all seemed to glance at each other. Margot walked closer. She had another interesting story on her road to finding the man of her dreams. She’d been an actress hired by an Italian mafia princess dying of cancer. Fortunately, the real Maria had not only survived but was thriving, yet in acting the part of Daniel Thorn’s fiancée, another arrangement made by two families, she had a unique perspective on the life.

“At first, at least for me, it wasn’t easy. I’m not going to lie to you. I always looked over my shoulder, hating the fact I felt locked down. But you soon begin to realize the men sworn to protect your life would do anything to keep you safe and not just because they’re paid well to do so, and it gets much easier. The same guards have been with me since the beginning and I consider them family. They shared holidays with us.”

“You’re right. Me too. The soldiers have an innate sense of loyalty to the family, respect for the man in charge,” Jade tossed in.

I nodded, knowing how so many of Beckham’s men felt about him. Jeff had certainly warmed up to me, teasing me almost as relentlessly as Beckham liked to do. Even Beckham’s entire family had welcomed me with open arms, his mother making a point of doting on me as if I was expecting a baby. I had a sense that’s what she was hoping for.

Still, with all the support of the amazing women, all the laughter we’d been able to share and the passion the nights had brought, a sick feeling remained pooling in my stomach.

“In other words,” Carina said softly, “you get used to it and suddenly, you don’t see them. Plus, if Beckham is anything like my big boy Dante, he’ll soften and you won’t care about anything else.” She fanned her face as a warm flush crept up her cheeks.

“And it’s not like we’ve been under direct attack by anyone these past months and years,” Jenna added. “With so much of our businesses at least being legitimate, we normally don’t have boogeymen chasing us.”

“What about the Death Squad? Don’t you fear what they are capable of?” I asked, taking a gulp of the champagne. I had a feeling I’d be completely intoxicated by the time the wedding even started.

“You can’t think about it, at least not today.” Taylor grabbed the freshly opened bottle, topping me off. “This is a celebration and unless you don’t want to marry that handsome man any longer, I suggest you shove the ugliness aside.”

“Hear, hear,” at least a couple of them said.

As they all crowded around me, I felt such a joy being near them that I was able to shove some of my concerns away.

But not all of them.

I’d prayed to God my idea wasn’t going to get anyone killed today.

“To the blushing and very beautiful bride,” Jade said, lifting her glass. “May the two of you find utmost joy in spending the rest of your lives together. There will be difficulties and arguments, concerns and sickness, but it really is true what they say. Love can be the best gift you give yourself. Being able to open your heart to someone else will always conquer evil.”

“Since when did you become such a philosopher?” Georgia threw out.

We all laughed. If only the butterflies hadn’t turned into angry bees swarming my stomach as if prepared to eat me alive. We took a sip of our champagne and once again, I was happy they were here. While I’d called Janie to let her know I was alive and safe, the last thing I wanted was to put her life in jeopardy. At least nothing terrible had occurred since we’d left, which provided some sense of comfort.

The light rap on the door meant it was time. When Jenna opened the door, she almost slammed it immediately in Beckham’s face.

“You’re not supposed to be in here!”

I laughed given half the other women were trying to block his view. “It’s okay, ladies. I have no one else to walk me down the aisle so we’re going to take the entire plunge together.”

“Plus, you can’t keep me away from the woman I so adore.” Beckham gently pushed his way through the crowd. I had to admit, the man did look sensational in a tuxedo. Instead of it being traditional black, he’d chosen an off-white jacket.

He had a twinkle in his eyes and the moment they fell on me, he was genuinely taken aback. For all the powerful looks he’d given me, his eyes darkening from extreme lust, the expression he wore was entirely different.

And it obviously caught the eyes of the woman all studying him intently. They backed away as if the Red Sea was parting, allowing him access. All with smiles on their faces.

“Wow. I’m going to need to remind Dante he better start looking at me that way or I might have a fling with one of Beckham’s brothers.”

A few of the girls laughed and Jade grabbed the unopened bottle. “Come on, girls. Let’s leave the lovebirds alone.”

For a few incredible seconds, I felt like a beloved princess, as if I was soon to walk down a red velvet carpet. Well, in truth I was. I’d insisted there be one, which was ridiculous of course, but it was my wedding day.

Oh, shit. It was my wedding day.