Someone closed the door and the quietness was almost unnerving. He kept his distance for a full minute before slowly moving toward me. When he was only inches away, I breathed in his exotic aftershave and shuddered audibly.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“I’m fine. You?”
“You know, for the first time in my life I realize what I want.”
“What’s that?”
He lifted his arm, curling his fingers. There was so much emotion in his eyes that I was floored. Every action was gentle as he brushed his knuckles lightly down my cheek, cocking his head just enough I could tell he was deep in thought. “Loving a woman who stills my heart and reminds me that every single day is worth living life to its fullest.”
“Aren’t you worried about tomorrow?” I was quivering all over from the huskiness in his voice as well as the jolts of current that were always present around him.
“As my mother always told me, tomorrow will take care of itself. It’s all about what we do with today. Today, I’m marrying the most beautiful woman in the world, someone I hope to spend the rest of my life with.”
“So you love me.”
The corners of his mouth curled. “Yes, my little fighter. More than I thought I had the capability of. What’s that phrase? Today is nothing more than the first day of the rest of our life.”
He took the glass from me, taking a sip before lowering his head. As always, his grip around the side of my neck was firm, his way of reminding me that on the day I brandished a knife at him, I’d belonged to him. So much had occurred in less than three weeks I was still shell-shocked. Yet his kisses, his touches, and the way he stared into my eyes kept me wanting more.
As I pressed my hand against his chest and his heart, I was surprised how fast it was beating. He was trying to be so strong for me, acting as if the entire situation with the mysterious group wasn’t something I should be concerned about.
I knew better of course. I’d been privy to all the information and what I’d learned had scared me to death. Billions of people had no idea how easily the bastards could corrupt the entire network system of information and our lives would essentially disappear. Of course there were safeguards in place everywhere but by all appearances, the private group from hell had found a way to work around them.
Maybe that’s what scared me to death, my entire life vanishing. Then again, why was it any different than what I’d tried to do a few years before? He crushed his mouth over mine, which delighted the bad girl inside of me. I was lightheaded, more so than normal. Maybe it was the champagne, but I felt drunk on the man instead.
It felt natural being in his arms, the man extremely protective. For all his roughness, his dark and dangerous abilities, he was a real pussycat inside. The thought brought a deep need into my heated core. I could easily fuck the man right here in my virginal white wedding dress.
Oh, what a sin that would be.
As if reading my mind, the moment he broke the sweet peace of our intimacy, he nipped my bottom lip, even dragging his tongue to my earlobe. “Be careful, bad girl. I can read your thoughts.”
Another tremor coursed through me. “I thought you liked me bad to the bone?”
I adored his laugh and today was no exception. “You are very right. However, we have a couple things to do and guests waiting for us.”
“No sign of dear old Daddy?”
He took a deep breath, gently rolling the tip of his index finger down my neck to my chest before backing away. “No. I have scouts out looking for any sign on him or your brother on the roads coming in. So far, nothing.”
“Maybe they’re onto us or they just don’t care.”
“Don’t count them out yet, my darling. But this day isn’t just about whether or not we can glean additional information. If that’s all you think it is then we’re calling this off.”
“I don’t want to do that.”
“Do you want to get married to me?”
“Yes, I do. It’s crazy but I can’t wait to be your wife.”
He grinned, the rare sight of his slight dimples making me swoon. “I can see having the other women here was a damn good idea.”
“Very funny.”
With the heated look remaining on his face, he slipped his hand into his pocket. “I do have something for you.”
“A chastity belt?”