Page 51 of Leo, My Partner

“Yeah?” Sam asks, getting off the couch and leaning on my doorjamb. “Where to?”

I shrug. “He won’t tell me. But he told me to wear makeup. I’m not sure if he’s planning on taking me somewhere fancy or just wants to see me with makeup.”

“Take something for both possibilities.”

After gathering some clothes and some of my makeup, I pack everything into my car.

When I’m back at Leo’s condo, I raise my hand to knock on the door, then remember he gave me the key to our condo. Smiling, I slide the key into the lock and open it wide.

Leo shouts, “In here,” from his second bedroom as soon as the door shuts. I drop my things in his room and go to where I hear his voice.

“Hey,” I wrap my arms around his neck from behind, kissing him gently behind the ear. “What are you up to?”

He points to the computer. “Getting the address for Mr. Ian McCaffy. He’ll be our plan for tomorrow night.”

Grinning, I kiss him once more, then turn his chair around so I can sit on his lap. “Thank you for letting me join you. I know it’s not personal, and I can be a liability, but thank you for trusting me to try this.”

“Anything for you, kotenok. But I don’t think you’ll be a liability. You’ll do well. Don’t worry, I’ll be there with you the whole time.” His lips meet mine in a gentle kiss. “Now let’s get ready for our date.”

“Am I dressing up or down?”

“Down. Jeans and a T-shirt if you have it.”

“I do. Give me fifteen minutes, and I’ll be ready to go.”

Hopping off his lap, I give Leo a kiss on the forehead and trot to his room where I dropped off my clothes. Well, our room. I won’t very well be sleeping in the living room or his office. Smiling, I gather what I need and head to our adjourning bathroom.

Since Leo said we’ll be dressed down, I only apply a light layer of makeup just in case we’re outside—I don’t want to sweat it off.

When I glance up, Leo is standing in the doorway watching me. “You like?” I ask, rolling on a little more mascara.

“I love.” Leo grins, shaking his head. “I’ve never loved anything until I met you. What are you doing to me?”

“Exactly what you’re doing to me, baby.”

I cap the mascara and check over my makeup to ensure it looks okay. I kept it light, only using a fine layer of foundation, highlighter, and eyeshadow. The mascara makes the colors of my eyes pop.

Leo walks over to me, pulling my back to his front. “You’re beautiful, kotenok. I’m a lucky man.”

“Yes you are,” I joke. Leo chuckles, and his dimples pop. Just because I’ve been thinking about it, I poke a finger into one. Leo gives me a crazy look, making me laugh. “I’ve wanted to do that since we met.”

He rolls his eyes. “Come on, weirdo.”

We head downstairs to leave, the valet bringing his car around for us. Leo thanks the man and helps me inside, grabbing my ass before I sit down.

I’m shocked when we pull into a mini golf park. I look over at Leo, who shrugs. “I thought it would be something you’d like. You seem like more of a fun date guy, not a dress up and be fancy kind of guy.”

Grinning, I lean over and kiss his cheek. “It’s perfect.” He’s right. I’d rather do something like this than sit in a stuffy restaurant. That’s not to say our first date was bad, far from it. But this is more my speed. Having fun like a normal person.

We play two rounds of mini golf, Leo beating me mercilessly. It’s the most fun I’ve had in years. A few times, I try to block his shot with either my club or my body, jumping on his back or bumping him with my hip, but it’s like Leo anticipates it and shoots in a completely different direction, his ball still going into the hole.

“Ugh,” I mutter when we get to the end of the course for the second time. “How are you so good at it?”

“I don’t know. Maybe because I analyze everything. I have to with my job, making sure to anticipate everything that could happen and planning accordingly. When I look at the course, I scrutinize how the ball needs to move to get in the hole, so I do that.”

“You don’t just hit the ball like normal people?” I deadpan, putting my hands on my hips.

“Where’s the fun in that?”