Page 52 of Leo, My Partner

Laughing, I shake my head and slide my club in the stand at the end of the course. “Yeah, no fun at all.” We head back inside the park hand in hand. There’s a small fast-food restaurant off to the left that Leo leads me to. We order burgers and fries, taking a seat when our number is called.

“You excited about tomorrow?” Leo asks. He doesn’t have to say what he’s speaking about—there’s only one thing I’m looking forward to.

I nod, popping a fry in my mouth. “I can’t wait. Michael was personal. This will kinda be business, right? I mean, for me. It’s your business all the time. Which reminds me, we need to talk about if I’m going to help in the future. I have to work around my job. Sometimes, I work late, if my boss has a case. I only have a few days left on my vacation time now, so we’ll have to put things on hold until the weekends. Which will suck, since I’ll be working every day during the week, the weekend will be the only time we have to spend together. And—” I snap my mouth shut, realizing I not only rambled, but I also got way off topic of what he initially asked me. “Sorry. Yes, I’m excited.”

Leo grabs my hand and squeezes it gently. “You never have to apologize about your rambling, kotenok. You never hide what you’re thinking. And I told you I like hearing your voice. I’ll never stop you from saying whatever you want.”

I know that’s true. Whenever I go off on a tangent, Leo has allowed me to continue until I cut myself off. He’s never looked impatient or like he wants me to get to the point. I believed him when he told me the first time, but there was always a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that he would grow tired of hearing me prattle on and on about nothing.

“Quit your job,” Leo says, breaking into my thoughts. “You can be my partner full-time, and I’ll split the profits with you. Depending on what people want, you can make over ten grand a night.”

“Work with you?” I look around and lean in to whisper, “Killing people?” It’s loud in the restaurant, many families with young kids sitting around and eating, more shouting and laughing than food consumption, honestly. No one will overhear if I said it in a normal voice, but I don’t want to take any chance.

Leo wipes his mouth with his napkin as he meets my eyes. “Yes. When I said you were my partner, I meant in everything. Quit your job and work with me.”

“You’re really fucking demanding,” I say with a grin. Giddiness rises in me as I think about quitting at the law office and working with Leo. That kind of money would help me get my bakery faster, without having to use the business loan. I could find a location that I want, not one I have no other choice but to occupy until I make enough money to upgrade.

“What’s your answer, kotenok?”

“Oh, you’re asking now?” Leo gives me a dry look, and I chuckle. “Yes. My answer is yes.” My excitement bubbles up, and I laugh aloud. “Oh god! I can’t believe it! I can get my bakery by the end of the year.” Tears brim in my eyes, and I hold my hand to my mouth, a soft sob escaping.

I didn’t expect to feel emotional being so close to my dream. But here I am, joyful and crying. A few tears escape my eyes, and I wipe at them quickly. I’m not sad. It’s quite the opposite. Knowing I can make Tessa’s a reality makes my heart happy, though a pang does go through it. My mother should be here for this. But it’s okay. I’ll bring the bakery to fruition for the both of us.

Looking up at Leo, I flash him a smile to ease the worried crease of his brow. “Thank you. My mother would be proud that people will be tasting our food.”

Leo grabs my hand and kisses the back. “I’ll do anything to help you reach your dream, Tyshawn. Anything you need from me is yours.”

Thank you, I mouth, not able to speak past the lump in my throat. I’m overwhelmed by his generous offer. It’s not lost on me that people have to die for me to open my bakery, but if they committed heinous crimes and escaped justice, they deserve it, and I won’t lose any sleep over it.

When the lump dislodges from my throat, we finish our lunch and head home. It’s the best date I’ve ever been on. Probably even more than our first date because I got to see Leo’s playful side. From how he told me he grew up, both with his parents and his grandfather, I don’t think Leo has had a lot of fun. I’ll have to take him on some fun dates so his only enjoyment isn’t dismembering a corpse.

My phone rings just as we’re walking inside the condo. When I see my father’s name on the screen, my heart clenches. I don’t want to feel this way about my father. He’s the only parent I have left, and he’s been a good dad. I need to face how I feel about him head-on and not hide behind my grief. Mom has been gone for two years. My father and I need to hash things out—more like I need to hash things out. He probably doesn’t know anything is wrong. He deserves to know why I’m so distant.

For the second time today, a lump lodges in my throat. It takes effort, but I swallow it down before I answer the phone. “Hey, Dad.”

“Hey,” he says, sounding just as he always does, like he’s happy to speak to me. I wonder if he can hear the distance between us in my voice. “Haven’t heard from you in a while. Wanted to see how you were.”

Relief washes through me when I smile at his worry. It gives me hope there is still affection towards my old man since I’m happy he’s worried about me. “It’s only been a week, Dad.”

“Yeah, I know. But I don’t see you anymore, so hearing your voice is all I have.”

Ouch. The hurt is evident in his voice. It’s time I faced my feelings and talked to my father. As a family, we were always able to talk to each other about anything. That didn’t happen when he got a new girlfriend so soon after my mother died, but that’s what we have to talk about.

Making a quick decision, I say, “I’ll come visit this weekend.”

“Really?” Dad asks excitedly, and I know I’ve been slacking as a son. “I’ll get your room ready.”

“I’ll be bringing my boyfriend.”

Leo looks at me with a wide smile, his eyes dancing with happiness. Those dimples pop, and I grin back, my heart thumping. I’ll never get enough of seeing those dimples.

“That’s great, son, really great. I’ll see you in a few days. Please call your old man in between that time. I’d like to know how you’re doing.”

“I will, Dad. See you this weekend.” I hang up the phone and look over at Leo, who’s stretched out on his couch. “You up for a road trip to meet my dad?”

He grins and nods, hooking his finger for me to come over to him. “I don’t mind meeting your dad, kotenok. Thank you for inviting me,” he says as I lie on his chest. His strong arms wrap around me, and I sigh. I can visit my dad and tell him why I’ve been distant.

I can do anything with Leo by my side.