Page 11 of Leo, My Partner

Cautiously, I peer over at Sam, who doesn’t look as upset anymore. “What the fuck was that?” he asks.

“I’m sorry. He told me his grandfather taught him how to defend himself. In fucking Russia. Imagine the kind of shit he needed that training from. They have like bears and elk and shit. Maybe he had to defend himself against animals? No, that’s stupid. People. Dangerous people. Maybe his neighborhood wasn’t safe, or something. That would make more sense than Leo choking Bambi out.”

Sam’s lips twitch as he steps around me and pushes into the apartment, moving aside so I can walk in. “Definitely not choking Bambi like that. I get him knowing self-defense and why he might need it. But fuck, he’s strong. I didn’t think he’d let me breathe.” After he hangs up his jacket and takes off his shoes, Sam pulls me to the couch. “I wouldn’t be your friend if I didn’t warn you to be careful. I don’t want him to turn on you like that someday.”

I hear what Sam is saying, but Leo wouldn’t hurt me. He’s so careful with me. I doubt he’d ever raise a hand to me. But I won’t be stupid.

“Thanks for looking out for me.” I tilt his chin up, eyeing the ring around his throat. It doesn’t look so bad now, but it still might bruise. “Ice,” I mutter, pointing a finger at him.

“Yeah, yeah. How was your date?”

The grin spreading across my face is answer enough, but I tell him about it anyway. I start with how Leo complimented me when he came upstairs and how he opened the car door for me.

I end the conversation with, “He was giving me a kiss goodnight when …”

“When I snuck up behind your Russian lover and scared him,” Sam finishes with a laugh.

He winces when I playfully slap him on the arm. “Yeah, that,” I mutter, sitting back on the couch. “Maybe I shouldn’t see him anymore. I had a good time, but what if you’re right? What if he tries to attack me too?”

Sam cants his body toward me, pulling one leg under him. “That’s true. But I didn’t announce myself and was almost on top of you two when I called your name. If you say he has training for self-defense, I might have just startled him. Be careful, but don’t write him off. I would expect the same thing from a solider. That kind of training is engrained. Keep your eyes open, but I don’t think you have to worry about him. He looked at me like he wanted to murder me, but when he looked at you—” Sam’s eyes land on me, almost studying me to see what Leo saw “—he looked like he’d kill anyone that tried to touch you.”

I scoff at the absurdity, but my chest glows with happiness. I’ve never had anyone look at me or treat me the way Leo did. It’s definitely something I could get used to. “If you say so.” Standing, I stretch my hands above my head and glance down at him. “I’m off to bed. Get some ice.”

“Goodnight, Ty,” Sam says with an eye roll.

Blowing him a kiss, I march to my room, fall on the bed, and stare at the ceiling. I had the best time tonight. Sure, the experience is marred by the violent outburst from Leo, but as Sam said, he was startled. I don’t know what kind of self-defense training his grandfather taught him, but with military personnel, they’re instructed to react at the drop of a hat. Maybe Leo’s grandfather was in the military in Russia?

Rolling onto my side, my thoughts continue to play back the events of tonight, and the goofy smile won’t leave my face. It was fucking perfect. I felt cherished the entire evening. When I looked at Leo while I was rambling whatever popped into my head, helpless to stop myself, he didn’t give me fake indulgent looks so he could get in my pants. He really appeared like he enjoyed listening to me. That’s never happened to me before.

Usually, men will pretend they don’t care at the beginning of the night, but by the end, they’re wishing I’d shut the fuck up so I could suck their dicks. Leo didn’t seem to have a motive.

My phone pings on my nightstand, and I scoop it up, swiping my thumb over the screen. The smile jumps to my face when Leo’s name pops up.

Leo: I had a great time tonight. I wish you hadn’t seen me like that. I’m sorry.

My heart melts. I believe him. But as Sam said, I’m not going to be stupid. I’m going to keep my eyes open.

Me: Is that normal?

Leo: No. Only when someone sneaks up on me. You have no reason to trust me, but I’d never hurt you. You’d always be safe with me.

I do trust him. I hope that doesn’t make me a fool.

Me: Okay. Good night, Leo.

Leo: Good night, Ty. I wish I could have kissed you more.

Smiling, I put my phone on my chest. I was thinking the same thing.

Over the next few days, Leo and I text back and forth, but we don’t see each other again. He asks, but I make excuses for why I can’t see him. I’m putting off meeting up as a test on if he’ll flip out or stop pretending to be interested in me. I want to make sure he’s not putting up a front about having a temper. Usually for men that have violent outbursts, they don’t like being brushed off. Eventually, they’ll show their true colors.

Not Leo. He’s doesn’t push when I tell him I have to work late or I have plans with Sam or that I want to stay in. He says okay, and we continue to converse about meaningless things. This might not be the best method to gauge his temper, but it’s all I got.

While at work the next week, my real estate agent sends me an email for vacant buildings and restaurants. Only one of them fits my price range for the business loan I was pre-approved for.

Scooping up my office phone, I give him a call.

“Roger Mormont speaking,” he answers in a cheery voice.