“Hey, Roger. It’s Tyshawn.”
“Tyshawn! Hey!” he says excitedly like we’re old friends. “Did you get a chance to look over the listings?”
“I did.” I scroll down the buildings, looking at photos and wishing I could afford some of them. Unfortunately, most of the money from my mother’s life insurance went to funeral costs and paying off the bills she accumulated from surgeries to prolong her life after her accident. There wasn’t enough for me to put down on a space. I’ve been working my ass off to have money for a down payment, but it won’t be enough for any buildings but the most run down one. The renovations alone would bankrupt me.
Even though it will be a costly venture, opening my bakery will be worth it. Better to try than to live my life with regrets. If it doesn’t succeed, at least I can say I tried and put myself out there for desserts I think everyone should taste.
“Great!” he exclaims loudly enough that I have to pull the phone from my ear. “What do you think? Any places catch you eye?”
Sighing, I shake my head, though he can’t see me. “Yes, the space off Fairmont. I know that’s not the best neighborhood, so I’m wondering about security.”
One thing I like about Roger is he doesn’t try to bullshit me. He’s in it for the money, but his reputation means more to him. “Yeah, I can’t tell you about that after dark. During the day, it’s safe enough, a few robberies here and there, but at night … I’m not sure.”
My shoulders sag as I rub my forehead, staving off a headache. “Can I check it out anyway?”
“Sure. Let’s set something up for next week and?—”
“What about today?”
“I have clients all day, but I can give you the code to the key box, and you can have a look around. I trust you not to damage anything.”
We exchange a few more pleasantries and make an appointment to check out a few more properties before we hang up. I spin around in my chair, wondering if I’m on the right path.
The job I have now is cushy, but it’s not the job I want. Baking is in my blood. I’d rather do what I love, not just what pays me. I like working here, but I want to love going to work every day. When I’m baking, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. Not even the thought of my mother’s death dampens my mood. In fact, it makes me smile, knowing I’m doing what brought us closer.
Turning back in my chair, I click on the building on Fairmont and scroll through the pictures. It’s run-down for sure, but it has good bones. It looks sturdy and roomy but quaint.
I haven’t been down Fairmont in a while, but the last time I went, it looked like a place where you have to know the right people to be safe. Businesses there have survived and thrived, so I’m not too worried.
Reaching into my desk drawer, I pull out my phone and bring up the text thread between me and Sam.
Me: My realtor sent me a listing for a place on Fairmont. Want to go with me to take a peek?
Sam: When?
Me: After I get off work. That sound be around five. No one in the office but me.
Sam: Sounds good. I’ll meet you there so I can go to Beth’s house right after.
Me: Thanks!
Sam: Welcome.
I smile, excited to discuss possible renovations with Sam.
Jinxing myself fucking sucks.
Instead of getting off at five like I usually would, I don’t stumble out of the building until eight. My boss needed some files so he could type up his notes and had me do some research on his current case. That took longer than either of us thought.
Thankfully, he loves paying overtime and compensates me fairly, but it was a shitty day for him to ask. He rarely does, so I didn’t mind telling him yes.
When I get into my car and start the engine, I call Sam on my Bluetooth, hoping he’s still up for meeting me. Fairmont isn’t a war zone, so we should be fine going down there after dark.
Sam answers after the second ring. “I tried to wait around, but Beth and I had plans. I’m at her place. I texted you.”
I groan, pulling my phone out and seeing the string of messages from Sam. “Sorry,” I mutter. “My phone was on silent so I could concentrate.”
“We can go tomorrow. Beth said she wants to see the space too, so we can make a day of it.”