“Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” Rocco demanded. I shook my head, and we briefly checked Zack over together, but it was difficult since he refused to let me go.

In the end, Rocco pulled us both into his arms and held us tightly, and finally, a hint of warmth flickered to life in my chest.

“Thanks,” Zack wept, barely able to take a breath. “Thank you for finding me! I didn’t think anyone would!”

“I knew he would find you,” I said softly, kissing all over Zack’s face. “He’s your dad, after all.”



The past four days were nothing but a blur. Hospital trips, hours of treatment, long conversations with the police, often led by Rocco and his men—it was an exhausting whirlwind. Through it all, I focused on three things.

Zack was alive. Jian was alive. I was alive.

That was all that mattered. Three simple things that kept me sane through most of the treatment and interrogations. By the time I made it home—and home was currently Rocco’s Manor since I refused to return to my mother’s home after what happened—I was utterly ready to sleep for a few weeks.

With my mother asleep upstairs under watchful guard and more men around the Estate than I had ever seen in my life, we were safe. Rocco had told me, in minimal detail, that Krill was dead. Talks had been held with the Russian Pakhan who would be under the watchful eye of the Irish for the next year or so to ensure there were no attempts at revenge. From my understanding, the Pakhan was not surprised to learn that the son who was trying to overthrow him was dead.

I suspected news like that was quite a relief to someone wanting to maintain power.

Other details were unimportant to me because Zack needed me. The trauma he had suffered prevented him from sleeping unless he was in my arms, so I hadn’t left his side. Not that I wanted to. True to his nature, learning that Rocco was his father had been accepted as quickly as telling him what was for dinner. Rocco seemed somewhat taken aback by how relaxed Zack was, as if he expected there to be some huge fight. Maybe there would be questions in a few months when things had truly died down.

Right now, Rocco was our savior and Zack was content. As content as he could be.

Resting on the couch in one of the countless rooms Rocco had in this place, Zack slowly fell asleep with his head in my lap. I repeatedly combed my fingers through his hair, soothing him into a deeper sleep, when Rocco appeared and eased himself down next to us. As if sensing his presence, Zack stretched out in his sleep, and his feet ended up on Rocco’s lap.

Rocco wore the softest smile on his face that I had ever seen.

“Did he eat today?” Rocco asked, his voice low and sweet.

I nodded. “Toast and chicken dinosaurs. Half a plate, but better than yesterday.”

“I booked a few sessions with a child therapist.” Rocco puffed out his cheeks a little. “If that’s okay.”

Again, I nodded and reached for Rocco’s hand. “It’s a good thought. Maybe we should all go and see a therapist.”

“Couldn’t hurt,” Rocco agreed. “There’s Mafia lawyers and doctors. I’m sure we could find a therapist. Sitting on stuff like this can really ruin someone.”

Silence fell until Dino entered the room, holding his cast-encased arm to his chest. “Your mom is asleep,” he said the second he laid eyes on me. “Out like a light.”

“Lucky for some,” I mused softly, flashing him an affectionate smile. In his other hand, he carried a tablet which, when he set it down on the table in front of me, revealed Jian sitting up in his hospital bed looking a little less deathly ill than the last time I saw him.

“Jian!” I fought to keep my voice low. “How are you feeling?”

“Death warmed up,” Jian croaked. “But still alive.”

“It had better stay that way,” Rocco said, squeezing my hand slightly as he spoke. “You gotta put a stop to this throwing yourself into harm’s way shit.”

“It’s my job,” Jian reminded him.

“Yeah, well, get a lackey to do it next time, okay? I don’t want to bury you.”

“Yes, sir.” Jian chuckled, and his cough was odd, waspish. My heart ached to be with him—to be with all of them at once.


“So,” Jian said after a moment. “Dino tells me you’ve got an announcement?”