“When you put it like that, it sounds so important,” I murmured, glancing down at Zack.
Dino eased himself painfully down onto the couch on the other side of me, and a deep, peaceful warmth settled over my shoulders. I’d feel much better if Dino were also still in the hospital, but he was a hard man to pin down.
“But yeah, I… I have something to say.”
The same worry filled the eyes of each man when I looked at them in turn. I know what they feared. They were scared I was done, that with everything that happened in the warehouse, I was going to be leaving.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about what happened with us. And with Zack. And I know I’ve swayed back and forth countless times over what is the right thing to do here, but I… if the last few months, a few days even, have taught me anything, it’s that we are safer together. That Zack is safer with you all around. Whether it’s because you have the know-how on how to protect him, or the ability to take care of anyone who wants to hurt him… I could not have survived this without you.”
I was aware that part of this happened because of Rocco's line of work, but that didn’t change the fact that Zack was his son. That was the life he was a part of, regardless of how I felt. So, being together? It was definitely the better option.
And I was selfish. I had come so close to losing my son and my own life that the very idea of being alone without any of them was crushing. I couldn’t stand it.
“But,” I continued softly, “I don’t want to upheave his life. After everything that happened, I want to get Zack back to normality as soon as possible, so I will be returning to the city. But I want you all to come too, so we can be a proper family.”
Rocco’s grip tightened around my fingers while his thumb skimmed over my knuckles.
“If you want to, that is, because I know this isn’t just about me. But that’s what I want. I want Zack to go back to school, to go and play with his friends and do all of the things he likes. I want him to have a childhood, and I know that given who you are, Rocco, and the life you lead, that you can’t just leave… I know what that means for Zack.” I glanced over at Rocco, whose eyes were shining slightly.
“I don’t need to know the ins and outs of all the stuff you do, but I want to be kept in the loop if anything happens that could affect me or Zack. That’s all I ask. And that’s… all I wanted to say. You don’t have to decide now, but?—”
Dino’s warm hand cupped my cheek, and he guided me to face him. Then his soft, full lips pressed gently against mine, and we both winced as aching bruises complained at the contact.
“Never have I had such an easy yes,” Dino murmured.
“Of course we want to be there with you,” Jian said. “Right, Boss?”
All attention drifted back to Rocco, and I eyed him carefully. He looked me over, then his eyes dropped to Zack, and they filled with such warmth that it almost radiated from him.
“Dino is right. It’s an easy fuck—an easy yes because I can’t lose you, Mae. Not again. I promise I will do everything I can to give you the life you deserve, and Zack will be safe. We will keep you both safe and love you until you’re old and wrinkly.”
“Oh, thank God,” Jian croaked from the tablet. “I love you, Mae, but I couldn’t handle staying here a long time with those damn trees.”
I laughed softly, squeezing Rocco’s hand. “Thank you.”
“Y’know,” said Dino, his hand sliding affectionately over my thigh, “We have lawyers. If you wanted to be involved—and I’m not saying you have to be—but if you wanted to be, then I’m sure they could take you on. That way, you could judge for yourself about what you want Zack to know and what would be the best way to keep him safe?”
“That’s an excellent idea!” Rocco’s brow lifted. “If you wanted to, of course.”
“Are you serious?” I glanced between Dino and Rocco. “Wouldn’t that make me a criminal?”
Rocco snorted softly. “We employ thousands of regular people. On paper, you would just be doing what you do now but for a different law firm. Only with better pay, more time off, and you’re fucking the boss, so it comes with perks.”
“Language!” I hissed softly, moving one hand over Zack’s ear while he slept. “But that… wow, that would kind of be amazing.”
A new job, a full family to embrace my son, and the men I loved by my side. The Mafia wouldn’t know what hit it.
“Okay.” I nodded slowly. “So… we’re all going back to New York?”
“I’ll start the preparations,” Dino said, and he leaned in to kiss me once more.
“Kiss her for me, too,” Jian grumbled. “I can’t believe I’m stuck here.”
Dino obeyed, kissing me deeply a second time, and then he slid to the edge of the couch. “Maybe stop getting shot?”
“I hate you,” Jian muttered. “You’re just jealous because I now have more saved the boss scars than you.”
“Part of the job,” Dino mocked gently. “Right?”