I bring her hand to my lips, kissing her knuckles. “Don’t stress over this. We don’t have to decide anything today.”
She nods and wipes her eyes.
“Thank you for saying that, but we both know we only have hours before this news breaks.”
“Not unless we give them something else to talk about.”
“Like what?”
“I think it’s time we speak to Corbin and Somya. Let them know that I’m about to shake up their entire world.”
“What about the baby?”
“I meant what I said earlier. This is your choice, Greer. I’ll support you in whatever you decide.”
She’s silent but gives my hand a squeeze. “Let’s go break the news to Corbin and Somya.”
We make our way back to our suite, where Corbin and Somya sit side by side at the dining table. I sit at the head of the table and Greer sits next to me.
“How am I polling?”
“Better, sir,” Corbin answers immediately.
“Buckle in, because I’m about to shake up your world.”
Corbin’s hazel eyes widen. “Sir?”
“I’ve decided to drop out of the GOP race.”
Both Somya and Corbin are left speechless, so I continue.
“I’m going to announce that I’m running as an independent and I want the paperwork drawn up today.” I look them each in the eye. “We’re going to make the announcement tomorrow.”
As much as I’d like to make the announcement today, I know that Brooks is going to need time to work his magic. Twenty-four hours should give him plenty of time. Besides, there are things that will need to be taken care of on my end with the GOP.
Somya speaks first. “This is a bold choice, sir. One I applaud.”
I’m the one left in shock. “Really?”
“Yes, sir. The GOP should have named you as their pick a long time ago. Leaving the party and running as an Independent will show the world that you aren’t going to let anyone walk over you.”
Corbin is still silent, though now he’s at least typing furiously on his laptop.
Finally he says, “I’ve submitted the paperwork withdrawing from the GOP race. Give me a moment and I’ll get a start on the Independent party. We need to make sure your name is on the ballots for Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia.” He turns to Somya. “We need to make sure his appearance in Georgia is moved up. It's shaping up to be the biggest swing state this election and voters were already leaning toward Mr. Carter.”
“On it. I’ll reach out to the local news stations to let them know we’ll be making an announcement in the morning.” Her gaze meets mine. “We’ll need to get you a new suit with a new tie color. I’m thinking light blue suit with a white tie.”
She turns back to Corbin, already moving onto a different issue.
Greer smiles at me and says, “I think they took that rather well.”
“That they did.” I stand. “Let’s go to our room, Little Fae. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.”
Grant does his best to keep both of us occupied, but I’m wide awake while he sleeps. Rolling to my side, I stare at the wall.