Grant leans forward, brushing his lips against mine.
“Me, too, Little Fae. Me, too.”
The next morning, I wake up in Grant’s arms. Being here, with him, feels so right. I can honestly say I’ve never felt like this before waking up with someone. Nerves make my insides quiver. What happens when this is over? How will I ever be the same?
Grant smiles down at me when he notices that I’m awake.
He says, “Morning.”
“Morning. How long have you been awake?”
“An hour or so.”
I groan. “You should have woken me.”
“And miss hearing your soft snores? I think not.”
I playfully slap his bare chest.
“I do not snore.”
“Heavy breathing then,” he says with a grin.
“Jerk.” But I’m grinning, too.
“How are you feeling?”
“You mean because you screwed my brains out all night?” I snort. “I’m feeling pretty good.”
“Enough for round three?”
“Three? Try six. And, no, you’re not getting anywhere near my lady bits today. They need time to recover.”
He’s laughing as he sits. I look him over. God, he’s so handsome.
“Well, then I guess I should shower and get dressed. My flight leaves at three. What about you?”
I sit, pulling the sheet to my chest. “Same. Where are you off to?”
“Maine. You?”
“Washington state.”
“Damn. Guess that means no bathroom quickie.”
He easily dodges the pillow that I throw at him, going into the bathroom. The water turns on and a moment later I hear him humming to himself as he showers.
Again, this feels right.
It’s something I could get used to.
My phone buzzes on the nightstand, so I reach for it. When I see the notifications, I bite back a groan. Both Isa and Hannah texted multiple times, wanting to see if I was okay after I left the baby shower. It’s Hannah’s text that worries me.
Just making sure you’re okay. You left the shower kind of suddenly.
Brooks pointed out that Grant Carter was with you when you left…