PomPom struggles in my arms, releasing a loud bark as she jumps to the ground, running around us in a circle. BonBon does, too, and at first, I think they just want to play since they’ve been in our arms for too long.
A blinding light appears in front of us, making me stumble back.
Nykander is behind me, his arms coming around me so I don’t fall.
I don’t even get to romanticize the gesture in my mind as four men appear in front of us. They’re fully garbed in armor, with two or more weapons sheathed at each of their waists.
“Welcome to The Sanctuary.” One of the men takes a step forward to address us. “My name is Elijah and I am the head guard. What is your purpose for coming here?”
Nykander’s cheek twitches as he scans the men from head to toe.
“We’re here to meet the High Priestess,” I reply.
Elijah nods thoughtfully.
“The Sanctuary is closed to outsiders. You may only enter inside if you have the blessing of the High Priestess.”
“And how are we to get it if we can’t meet her?” I ask.
He smiles.
“Stay by my side, Barbi,” Nykander whispers.
“If you have the blessing of the High Priestess, you will be able to correctly answer three questions. If you answer correctly, you may proceed inside. If you answer incorrectly, you will be turned away and the location of the Sanctuary will change so that you may not find it again.”
“What are the questions?” Nykander demands.
“The first question.” Another man steps forward as he speaks. “What is long, hard, and covered in ridges?”
My eyes widen at the question.
Nykander tenses by my side.
“I know!” I blurt out.
“Barbi…” he calls my name in a warning tone. “This is not the time for your dirty thoughts.”
“What?” I frown at him. “You are the one with the dirty thoughts. I happen to know the answer to the question.”
“I will have the answer, female,” the man speaks.
I clear my throat.
“The loza.”
Nykander’s hand tightens over my arm.
“That is correct.” With a nod, the man steps back, and the second man comes forward.
“What is the middle, the beginning, and the end?”
“The river Mazu,” I answer immediately.
“That is correct.”
“Yes!” I jump up in excitement.