Nykander turns to me, his expression one of shock.
The third man steps forward for the last question.
“What is the way of the soul?”
“P’asala!” I say eagerly.
“That is correct.”
“Oh my! I did it, Nykander! See, I am not useless,” I cry out, jumping up and down around him. PomPom and BonBon emulate my movements until we’re all circling around Nykander, dancing and squealing with joy.
He’s frozen on the spot—perhaps unable to believe that I got all of them right. Yet how could I not when they were the same questions Lady Jocelyn got on her initiation as a mage in the books? At least some things are not too different from the books and I can’t contain my excitement.
The man retreats, leaving Elijah to address us once more.
“Well done.” He inclines his head. “Please, welcome to the Sanctuary.” He extends his arm, and a portal appears.
We grab the dogs and walk inside the portal, and in no time, we find ourselves in a different time and space.
The village is full of life, with kids running around and people going about their days. It’s almost as if we’re in a different world altogether—one that’s not plagued by disease or strife.
“When can we meet the High Priestess?” Nykander turns to Elijah to ask.
“The High Priestess will call on you when she is ready to receive you. Until then, please make yourselves at home. My lieutenant will see you to your accommodation,” he explains as he introduces us to Jeya, his lieutenant. And with that, the other men disappear from sight.
Nykander makes a sound of disapproval, but he doesn’t probe further, probably realizing that we are mere guests in the Sanctuary.
As we walk deeper into the village, the locals glance at us with curiosity, all stopping what they’re doing to stare at us.
“I guess you don’t get too many newcomers,” I joke to Jeya.
“Indeed. We have not had a newcomer in thousands of years.”
“Oh,” I murmur, surprised.
Nykander is for some reason grumpier than before as he places himself between Jeya and me and gives the poor man a deadly look. His chest rumbles with an unspoken warning, and I have to elbow him to get him to behave.
“Right.” Jeya clears his throat. “This is the village plaza, where all the events take place. Over there is the healer’s hut. And this way is?—”
“And the High Priestess?” Nykander interrupts him.
“She resides in the valley. But it is prohibited to go there without being called upon first.”
“Nykander, be nice,” I hiss at him. These people have been so polite and he’s being rude.
He glares at me and continues to sulk in that manly, too handsome for his own good way of his.
Jeya continues to tell us more about the village, but I only listen with half an ear as I stare at Nykander’s handsome profile. My, but he would be the perfect model for a romance cover. I would buy all the copies in the world and stare at him all day. And if the story in the book had two protagonists named Barbi and Nykander, even better. I could read and stare at him while imagining our happily ever after.
“Here it is. Your accommodation. Please make use of our facilities and consider the village your home for the time being.”
Jeya opens the door to a small cabin and invites us to step inside, after which he takes his leave.
The door closes behind us with a thud and we’re suddenly alone—plus the dogs.
All I can do is stare at the small space that only has one bed, a desk, two chairs, and a small shelf with a few books. In the back, there is an even smaller toilet and washing basin. There isn’t even a shower!
Yet that’s not the most glaring thing.