“He’s getting ready for work. You’re up early too and in a good mood,” she notes.

I can’t help my bright smile as Cooper walks into the kitchen, leaning against the island next to me. “Good morning, ladies.”

“It’s moving day!” I tell my mom. “Coop and Troy got the keys to their new house. I’m going to help them.” I already checked to see if it was okay a few days ago, but I remind her anyway.

“It’s so strange with all the boys gone now.” Cooper is the last of the four to move out. Troy lived in the fraternity house his freshman year, but now that Cooper is starting college, they are moving into one of Mr. Montgomery’s investment properties. The college kids that were living in it just graduated, so now they get the whole summer to adjust to their new place. “Sounds fun. Let me know if you need help with anything,” she says to Cooper but then turns to me. “Be home by 10:30, please.”

My excitement shifts to confusion. “I’ve never had a curfew before.”

“You’ve never had a boyfriend before.” She shoots me a pointed stare, and Cooper chuckles as I roll my eyes.

“Boyfriend?” Dad enters the kitchen through the hallway, briefcase in hand. His glare pins on Cooper before shifting to me. Both of us freeze. We never said anything to him, not the way Cooper talked to Mom. I thought she’d say something for us.

My mom takes the lead. “We talked about this the other day, Jack.”

He grumbles. “Right. Be home by ten.”

“But Mom just said 10:30,” I whine.

“She’ll be back by then, Mr. Porter,” he assures him, grabbing my hand and tugging me toward the front door. “Come on, girlfriend.” He grins, unfazed by my dad’s remarks. I let it go too.

Girlfriend. I’ve never been called that before, but hearing Cooper say it is so dreamy. God, he’s cute. I can’t believe he’s mine.

I snap my seatbelt into place, but before I can face forward again, Cooper’s lips are on mine. It’s been two weeks since we first kissed, and we’ve kissed a million more times since then. I always wondered if the characters in my books got tired of kissing so much. I don’t think they do, at least not if it’s anything like kissing Cooper. Kissing him is satisfying in a way I didn’t know was possible. It gives me that feeling I’ve always turned to reading for, an exciting escape from the mundane.

“Cooper.” I swat at him playfully as I pull back from our kiss. “We have places to be and things to do!”

“I’d rather do you.” He smirks, turning on his car and moving his hand to the back of my seat as he checks to make sure we’re clear to back out of the driveway. We haven’t had sex. We haven’t done anything except kiss. I don’t know if I’m nervous because I'm not ready or just because I have no idea what I’m doing. Luckily, Cooper hasn’t pushed me.

“I don’t think Troy would appreciate that,” I tease.

“Hey, don’t speak for him,” he jokes. “He probably wants an excuse to be alone with Emily now that he’s out of the fraternity house.”

“Is she going to be there today?” I try to hide the disdain in my voice.

“Tell me how you really feel about her.” Cooper laughs.

“She’s fine. I just think Troy can do better.”

“Is that so?” He doesn’t disagree but doesn’t add his opinion either. I think he’s trying to refrain from saying anything bad about his best friend’s serious girlfriend. She’s fine, she’s just not someone I enjoy spending time with if I have the choice, and I think she takes Troy for granted.

“Don’t get any ideas, though. You can absolutely not do any better.” I stick my tongue out at him.

“I know.” His voice is much more serious than mine was as he slides his hand against my thigh, stroking my soft skin with his thumb. He’s completely kept his hands from wandering below my waist since we decided to be more than friends. I love that he’s being respectful and following my lead, but having that control feels like a lot of pressure.

As his thumb rubs against my thigh, a new sensation washes over me, an ache for him to move higher. A trickle of heat to my core reflexively makes it tighten. Whoa.

“What’s that look on your face for?” His voice startles me.

“Nothing,” I manage to mumble, crossing my legs and forcing his hand still.

“Are you okay?”

“Mhmm. Oh look, we are here!” He puts his car in park in the driveway and raises an eyebrow at me.

I swing my door open and hop out, nearly crashing into Cooper’s dad with my redirected excitement. “Whoooa, Sophie. Don’t start too strong. Your energy needs to last us all day.” He laughs.

“Sorry, Mr. Montgomery.”