She nods. “I’ve heard this about you from other authors.” I’m glad I’ve always held onto my ethics. It appears that Ruth might be as sweet as possible, but she’s clearly a shrewd businesswoman who doesn’t get pushed around. Ruth continues.

“I’ve been hearing some concerning rumors about your publishing company.”

These words shock me as my stomach drops. I’ve had concerns about what’s going on with my company, but I haven’t heard any rumors. How can she know something I don’t? I’m a bit scared about what she has to say.

“What kind of rumors?” I ask. I lean forward, truly wanting to hear what she has to say.

Ruth hesitates for only a moment before letting out a sigh. “There are some people talking about unethical practices, authors having some things put in their contracts in the small places they never look, making them not paid properly, contracts being mishandled, and poor marketing for anyone except their best. I understand with a name like Miles, this wouldn’t happen, but I don’t like to support companies who don’t treat their staff or customers right,” she says. I can see she doesn’t like saying this. “It’s just whispers at this point, but right now it’s enough to make me listen.”

I give her a reassuring smile while inwardly trying to hide my unease. “I honestly haven’t heard anything about this. I assure you I’ll be looking into it though.” All of the unease I’ve been feeling is coming up within me. I haven’t heard anything about these rumors though. Is this because I’ve had my head in the sand? I really don’t know.

Ruth gives me a sympathetic nod. “I’m sure it’s nothing but rumors, but I wanted to address it now and make sure there’s no truth to it. I understand that sometimes authors might get rejected and say some things. In this world of social media it’s sometimes hard to know the truth,” Ruth says.

I wish I could have confidence in this, but I think the idea that there’s something wrong is far more plausible at this point. I hate it, but my gut has been uneasy for a while now. I’m not sure what’s happening at my company, but if all was well in the world why would I be questioning things this much myself?

Mason’s quiet as he takes all of this in. Miles, who’s been sitting by listening, finally weighs in. “I’ve worked with some companies I walked away from before, Maria. If there’s something shady going on, let’s get ahead of it. Both Ruth and I want to do this collaboration, but we want to do it right from the start. Trust in your publishing house matters.”

I nod in agreement, feeling the weight of both of their words. “I fully understand this, and I agree. I promise to get to the bottom of this. I’ve always valued my authors, and I believe my company does too. If something’s going on, I swear to you I won’t hide it.”

Mason takes my hand and looks at me. “I’m here for you, and will help wherever I can. I have contacts,” he assures me. His words mean more than I can say. I give him a thankful smile.

“I’ll figure this out,” I tell him. I need to do this on my own. He nods in understanding.

We continue chatting, but the rest of the meeting passes by in a blur because my mind’s elsewhere now. I want answers. I smile and act like I’m participating, but I’m ready to do some digging. For the first time, I’m grateful when a meeting ends. I say my goodbye’s, then make my way straight to my office. It’s not my day to be there, but this can’t wait.

I’m glad when I see Robert sitting at his desk. I make my way straight to his door which is open this time. I knock as I walk inside. The unease that’s been gnawing at me for a while feels full-blown now.

“Robert,” I say. He looks up, surprise flickering in his eyes.

“You aren’t scheduled today,” he says.

“No, but something important has come up and I need to talk to you.”

“Of course,” he says, looking like a concerned boss. For some reason, I don’t trust this either. When is he not irritated to be interrupted? Maybe I’ve lost trust in him without realizing this might have been happening for a while now.

I take a deep breath. He’s always appreciated honesty. I spit it all out, directly asking him about the rumors. I see his expression shift from surprise to something darker, something that makes my stomach churn. When I finish he leans back in his chair as he nods, not showing me what he’s thinking. I wait for his response knowing there’s nothing else I can add right now.

“I’m disappointed these rumors are circulating. My guess is an unhappy author who didn’t get what they wanted,” he says, his tone measured. “I do appreciate you bringing it to my attention. I’ll certainly look into the allegations and make sure there’s no merit to any of it.” He acts as if this is a done deal. Is he the one I should’ve come to? I have no idea.

I give him a nod, knowing there’s nothing else I can say in this matter. I’ve brought it to him, and he’s assured me he’ll look into it. “Thank you, Robert,” I say. I then turn and leave.

As I walk away from his office, there are a million thoughts racing through my mind. I’ve felt something’s going on here for a while now. Is this it? It doesn’t seem so. It seems there’s something more. What could that possibly be, though? If any of this is true, what does this mean for me? I won’t stay with an unethical company.

Before I leave, I look back at Robert’s door . . . now finding it shut. What does this mean? I have no idea. One thing is clear, though, I need to get to the bottom of this. My loyalty to this company has always been strong, but my loyalty to myself and my authors is stronger. Right now this is being put to the test. I guess I’m going to truly find out who I am.

Chapter nineteen


With all that’s been going on, I hate that I have to do this interview right now. We’ve already scheduled to have Mason and Miles do it together. This makes more sense to me than doing an interview of Mason alone. I haven’t approved this with my boss, but I don’t care. I’m not super happy with Robert right now, and I don’t do things I’m uncomfortable with. I’m not sure how Miles will feel about this now that Ruth’s brought up concerns.

He’s still agreed to the interview though, so that’s in my favor. This deal hasn’t fallen apart yet, so I’m crossing my fingers. The thing is, though, if I find out that the rumors are true, I won’t be the one to close a deal. I’ll walk away. I can’t live with myself if I do something I don’t truly believe in.

I make my way to Mason’s house where I’m meeting with him and Miles. This is business, instead of pleasure. I’ve yet to come to Mason’s house where we aren’t throwing each other against the walls within seconds of me entering the home. We’ll have to be on good behavior this time with Miles in the place. He’ll eventually leave, though. This makes me smile. It seems pleasure now consumes my mind far more than work does.

I sit in my car for a few moments as I go over my interview questions. I want to be fully prepared for this. Just because Mason and I are a couple, and I can consider Miles a friend can’t impact this article I’m writing. I need to do it justice for them and for me as the writer.

I finally come to the door and Mason opens it before I can knock. He’s smiling before he pulls me close and gives me a kiss. I push back with a laugh.