“I was wondering how long you were going to sit in your car,” he tells me.
“I was looking at my notes. No kissing me right now. I’m in work mode,” I tell him, but I can’t quit grinning.
“All work and no play makes for a very boring life,” he tells me.
“That’s never been my saying, but I’m starting to believe you now.” I give him one more quick kiss. “But not today. I’m trying to win over your brother.” This makes him laugh.
“You’ve already won both of us over,” he assures me. I push him back.
“Don’t forget that I’m interviewing you today, too. If you’re a good boy, and behave for the interview, you’ll be rewarded after,” I promise with a wink. He pulls me to him and shows me how much this promise affects him. I laugh again as I pull from him and dance away.
“Behave!” I tell him with a giggle. I can’t help but notice the tightness of his pants. I like this a little too much.
“Both of you behave,” Miles says as he enters the room. “I’m giving up time flirting with my fiancé for this.” My cheeks flush red and I look to the floor for a minute as I try to gain control over myself.
“I’m sorry. This isn’t very professional,” I finally say.
Miles laughs as he waives his hand in the air. “We can get professional in a moment. I like seeing my brother so whipped.”
“I’m not whipped, but this woman does tie me up,” Mason says. I like that I do that to him. It’s very mutual.
“Okay, let’s sit down and get to this,” I say. I do really like Miles. He’s a good man. I still have no answers on my company right now, but no contracts have been signed yet. This is an interview, nothing more. I’m looking forward to getting to know him more.
“I’m ready. Let’s talk,” Miles says. I follow him and Mason into the living room where Mason has drinks and snacks set out. I take a seat as he pours me a glass of wine. I normally would never drink while doing an interview, but as each of them pick up a glass, I don’t want to be the only one refusing. I decide to slowly sip on it. The problem is the wine’s delicious, dang it, making me want to guzzle instead of sip.
“Miles, what attracted you to the world of romance?” I ask. This is the question the fans most want to know. When a male author turns to romance it’s a story. Sure, there are some greats out there, but it’s a mostly female dominated market.
Miles grins from ear to ear. “To be honest, I couldn’t stand romance when I started writing. Or at least I didn’t think I liked it. That was until I met Emily and she changed my opinion on this. She also pointed out that there’s romance all around us, that I simply wasn’t looking for it. Without romance, there is no plot to any story, even the twisted ones. Since meeting my soon-to-be wife, I find that I love the world of romance so much more. I see the birds flying overhead, hear the song in the trees, and find myself wanting to dance in the rain. I can’t feel this strongly about love and not want to write about it. I don’t think I have a choice. A writer can only put words on paper that they feel. When an author forces words, the fans notice. It comes out as less than genuine.”
I beam at him. “Beautiful answer. You’re breaking a million hearts right now that you’re a taken man while at the same time making them fall in love with you anyway,” I say.
“I’m most definitely a taken man. I didn’t know what real love was until I met Emily. I can’t imagine my life without her,” he says. I want to sigh now.
Mason chuckles, but as I look over at him I see the intensity in his eyes, making me wonder if that’s what’s going on with us. Are we falling in love? Are we already there? How does a person know? I shake my head as I focus on Miles again. I can’t go down this train of thoughts right now.
I ask a few more questions as the interview smoothly flows. It’s easy chatting with Miles, like two friends meeting, sharing a drink, and talking about their lives. Miles is engaging and incredibly articulate. He’s funny as well, and has zero problem sharing his journey with me. Authors sort of give up their privacy when they open up their brains for the world to see. I’ve never felt this as strong as I do now while talking to Miles.
“Miles, what inspired you to do this potential collaboration we can’t speak about at the moment?” I ask with a chuckle.
“Don’t we all love super-secret announcements?” he asks. “My wife Emily inspired me for this one. I’m thinking of staring in my own Romcom next. I’ve fallen in love with romance which means I want to work with the best so I can perfect my craft. I’m also fascinated by the complexity of relationships, how they form, how they build, and how they last. What causes them to end. There’s so much more involved than people realize, and as imperfect humans we make mistakes that can’t be taken back. When we’re in the right relationships, though, people forgive us. I want to write about it all, the good, bad, and beautiful.”
“Can you tell me more about your background and how it’s influenced you as a writer?”
“I grew up with my twin, Mason. In our community everyone knew everyone else’s business. This gave me a lot of material to work with from the time I was young. I’ve always enjoyed sitting back and watching things happen all around me. Some need to be right in the middle of the action, but I’ve always been happiest watching and taking notes. When you stop talking for a minute and really listen, it’s fascinating what you’ll hear and see.”
The two of us continue delving into his favorite authors, his writing process, and what he hopes his readers will take away from his books. I love how candid and open Miles is. He’s not afraid to share who he is. I love the stories he shares from his childhood, giving me great material for the article, and helping me learn more about Mason as well.”
“What’s something people might be surprised to learn about you?” I ask.
He leans back as he chuckles. “Something that might shock my readers is that I’m a pretty dang cook. I loved spending time with my mother in the kitchen, and since I love watching everything around me, I really picked up on her techniques. I’ve impressed Emily a few times with my mad cooking skills. I think a couple who spends time together preparing a meal for the family brings them closer.”
I smile at him. “I’m supposed to be nonbiased when doing interviews, but I have to fully agree with you here. There’s something intimate about cooking together, whether it’s with family, great friends, or your partner. It’s a good way to bond with your children as well. Sitting down for that dinner while you share your day is the icing on the cake.”
“Exactly,” he says.
We have a few more questions before the interview’s wrapped up. I’m surprised Mason’s sat back watching without jumping in. He’s next, but he’s been very respectful as I interview his brother.
“We’re all done now. That wasn’t so painful,” I tell him.