Chapter Nine
The last day of the conference is always a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration. I normally love it, and I also love packing my bags and heading home. There are some people I only ever get to see at conference, and I miss them, but I love being home. This one is nice in that it’s close to home so I don’t have far to go. I’m also very aware that Mason and I live in the same city. What does that mean? We haven’t talked about it yet.
As I stand in the conference room the area’s buzzing with final negotiations, last-minute pitches, and the hum of anticipation for the book signing, and closing ceremony that’s always a great time. I walk through the crowded halls, chatting with friends and co-workers, and getting last minute items checked off of my list. My focus is singular, though . . . Ruth Cardello.
“I’ve been looking for you for twenty minutes,” Mason says as he approaches with two cups in his hands. He gives me one and I take a grateful sip of the hot coffee he’s gotten just right.
“You’re a savior,” I tell him. “I wasn’t willing to face that long line.”
“There’s nothing I won’t do for you,” he tells me. This might be an exaggeration, but I think he means the words. He’s more than clear about being into me . . . and I really like it. The whole point of us coming together was to hunt down Ruth and make our exes jealous. I haven’t even thought about them past that disastrous work night. I haven’t forgotten about Ruth though.
We’ve run into Bobby, and I’ve barely even noticed him. As soon as he saw me with Mason he cowered away like the wimp he is. It’s been nice not having him in my face, but other than that he’s not even on my radar.
“Are you ready to get an all-star?” Mason asks.
“More than ready. Let’s do this,” I tell him. The two of us make our way to the book signing area where we know Ruth’s setting up. I don’t usually like to interrupt authors when they’re getting ready for a signing as I know how frantic it can be, but this is my last chance, and I need to close this deal. She might be sweet, but I know she’s an incredibly savvy businesswoman. I’ve still got this.
We come into the room, the smell of books heaven to my senses, and the happy chatter great for my soul. I love book signings, love how beautiful the tables look, and how happy the fans are. This is why I do this job, because I’m just as much of a fan as those attending conference to see their favorite authors.
What most fans don’t know is that authors are some of the biggest fans as well. They’re truly excited to see their friends soar. It’s why this world’s so great. Sure, there are some who are jerks, but those are the ones I avoid. If they ever forget they’re nothing without their fans, I don’t want anything to do with them.
We see Ruth at her table with her family at her side. They’re all laughing as they place out beautiful swag and special edition copies of her most popular series. Soon her table will be swarmed with fans so I need to move fast. The signing starts in less than thirty minutes, and the line outside is already curving around the corner.
I clutch my gift bag for her and paste on a confident smile. Mason by my side gives me an extra boost of confidence. “Ruth Cardello, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” I say, making her look up. She’s such a happy woman, and even though she doesn’t know me she smiles with a sparkle in her eyes.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, too,” Ruth easily says, but it’s clear she doesn’t know who I am. That’s okay. I know I need to make a great impression though. I can do this.
“We’ve brought you a gift,” Mason tells Ruth when I get a bit tongue tied. What is wrong with me? Mason takes the bag from me and hands it over.
Ruth accepts the bag and looks inside, her eyes lighting up. “Oh my gosh, this is such a thoughtful gift. Thank you so much,” Ruth says with a genuine smile. She looks over at her husband. “Tony, you must give them a goodie bag. It won’t compete with this one, but hopefully they like it.”
“Sure thing,” Tony says as he goes to a table and grabs two bags.
“I’m Maria Rossi with Seattle Skyline Publishing, and this is Mason Bennett,” I tell her.
Before I can say anything, Tony looks up with a huge smile and an excited twinkle in his eyes. “Wait? The Mason Bennett?”
Mason laughs. “The one and only,” he says with a laugh.
“Damn! I’m a huge fan of yours. I was just listening to your podcast this morning. You were excellent on the field, but I love the show even more, and the work you do with youth is incredible,” Tony says, holding out his hand to shake.
“I appreciate it,” Mason says. “I have an extra jersey here if you’d like it.”
“Only if it’s signed,” Tony says, visibly happy. The rumors of him being a football fan are clearly true. It was smart to team up with Mason on this. Just as authors need to be likeable, their spouses need to be included as well. After all, it’s the spouses who inspire the writers, both good and bad. I do love a good book on revenge, and those sometimes come from some epic relationship battles.
“Looks like we’ve lost my husband. He has a one-track mind when the games are on too,” Ruth says with a laugh. It’s more than clear they have a beautiful marriage. It’s very nice to see in a world where there’s far too much fighting and cheating.
“It appears so,” I tell her. Mason and Tony engage in a friendly conversation, talking football and kids. I look at Ruth. “I want to discuss a potential collaboration with you. Our house would love to put together a deal with you and Miles Bennett who’s personally requested to work with you.”
Ruth raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued, but hesitant. “I’ve cut back the last couple of years as I have a teenage daughter, two grown kids, and two grandchildren, and I don’t want to miss a minute of my time with any of them. That means I haven’t done any collaborations lately.”
I don’t let disappointment fill me. This isn’t over. I simply need to convince her. Before I can say something though, Tony turns back to me. “Bennett?”
“Yeah, he’s my annoying twin-brother, but the man can write,” Mason says with a big smile.
Tony’s eyes widen. “If it’s Mason’s brother you have to do it, Ruth,” Tony says. Well, this is great. I’m not needing to do any convincing at all. It appears Mason really is my ace card in this negotiation.